Stage 6 (Fight)

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Van PoV:

I stood there and watched as she fell to the ground. The memory of me shooting her popped in my head, but I blocked it out. "Y/N!!!!!" I shouted and ran toward her, but Ryan stood in my way. "What the fuck are you doing?!" He growled.

"You can't interfere with someone who is remembering! If you do, they won't remember you! They'll remember everyone but you! DO YOU WANT THAT?!" Everyone gasped and watched as I felt my blood boil. I then screamed and tackled him down, throwing punches.

He blocked with his arms before kicking me off. "This isn't the time to fight Van!" I laughed and kicked him in the gut. "It is always time for a fucking fight!" I kept punching him and everyone gasped, I ignored them. Someone then placed their hands on my shoulder.

I screamed and punched them square in the face, my anger taking over. "FUCK O-" I froze. Y/N stood there, holding her nose and her eyes wide with tears. Blood poured from between her fingers, something unfamiliar was in her eyes.

"Y/N! I'm so sor-" I walked toward her with my arms out, she shoved me away and glared harshly. "Don't fucking apologize! You have no reason to lash out on people!" She looked disappointed. I stood there, looking down.

She helped Ryan up and checked his face and arms. Del walked toward me and shook his head. He then stood next to me, shoulders touching and facing the other way. "You were supposed to be patient.. You've failed.."

I growled before smacking the mask on his face, it flew off. He stayed quiet while slowly looking at me, red orbs now a piercing green. Del then cracked his neck and lunged at me, nails turning into claws. I stepped to the side and caught his wrist, slamming him into a wall.

He coughed before landing a kick near my ribs. I flew back and slid on my knees, arm over my chest. Del then kneeled down and placed a hand under my chin. "Can't handle the pain can you?" He chuckled. I screamed and punched his eyes and kicked his knee.

I grabbed a fist full of his hair and kneed him in the face. He fell back, barely breathing. "Looks like you haven't been training enough.." I scoffed then walked over him. His hand grabbed my ankle and I fell face first.

"You fucker!" I kicked him in the face, Del spit out some blood and coughed. "How does it feel eh?" I then took out a gun and aimed it at him. "STOP!" I looked at Y/N, her fists clenched and holding Milyy who was crying and shaking.

I slowly put the gun down and frowned. "I.....I-I.." I couldn't find the right words to say. "Let me finished that sentence for you!" She shouted, walking toward me. I stood there and stared down at her. "I hate you.." My heart hurt, a thousand needles stabbed through my chest.

"Stay away from me and Milyy until you've calmed down.." "You're a m-monster daddy!" That hurt more coming from my little girl.

Your PoV:

I then walked to my room and slammed the door. Milyy went into the bathroom to get ready to go on a mission with me and Timid. Something then knocked on my window. I looked at it and flinched. It's opened.. It sounded again.

I looked around until my eyes landed on my mirror. A hand was placed on it, but it was from the inside. I walked toward it and the hand vanished before it was replaced with a face. I backed away, he smiled. "Such a pretty face~!"

He looked like Delirious, but their make up was pink and eyes a faded blue. He had piercings on his left ear and tongue. His eyes stared into my soul. "I wonder what you sound like~! Tell me, what's your name?" Should I trust him?

I thought about the small fight I had with Van earlier. Fuck it. "Y/N.." I spoke softly. "Y/N~? Y/N..." My name rolled off his tongue, before he smirked. "My name is 3p Delicious~ Nice to meet you Y/N.." He sounded flirty and happy.

He then frowned. "I'm sorry about Van.. He isn't nice and likes things his way.. Why don't you come hang with me and my crew for a bit? I promise my Van is very nice!" His hand came out of the mirror. I slowly took it and smiled.

"I could use a little break from him.." He smiled and pulled me in, a ring of cold breeze trailed down my body as he did. I was pulled into his chest and I took in his scent. Sugar and blossom.. It matches his looks..

"By the way, just call me Delicious okay~?" He winked at me and chuckled.  "We'll take very good care of you until Van calms down, don't worry..~" "M-mommy? Where did you go?!" Milyy!? "Who's that..?" Delicious asked. "My daughter.." "Oh.."

I tapped the glass and she looked at me, confused. "Why are you in there?!" "I'm going somewhere for a while, don't tell anyone except Hunter and Timid okay?" She nodded and smiled before looking behind me.

"Take care of mommy mister!" Arms wrapped around my waist before I waved, we walked away from the glass and to another one. Delicious put his hand through it and smiled at me, holding his hand out. "Ready~?"

<Take his hand>


<Go back>


A/N: Doing something new! In some chapters, you'll get to choose what to do, make sense?

So go ahead and choose!

Possessive (BBS x Reader) *Final Book*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz