Chapter 1

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"You bloody arsehole" Bond thought to himself, in his half unconscious mind, as his Quartermaster was sat on the bed, tying his shoes. The previous night had been one of many long, passionate nights the two had spent together. Usually it was James who would be the one to fuck and run, but in this complicated relationship, it was always Q who did the running. Bond mused to himself, letting a smile form on his lips at the thought.
"Leaving so soon, Q?"
"W W well, I have t t to.... I have work" Q stuttered, shocked Bond was awake - or half awake at least.
Bond grinned, finding Q's reaction rather adorable. He sat up and took Q's chin, pulling him into a kiss. This caused a more cute reaction from the curly haired male. The kiss was broken by Q's hand on Bond's bare shoulder, pushing them apart.
"Please remember I am your quartermaster, 007..." James almost rolled his eyes at this.
"Our relationship is purely professional and any romantic gestures should be kept to a minimal"
"That's not what you said last night" Bond said with a smirk.
"Last night was the last time, Bond" Q felt his heart drop to his feet but he knew what he was doing with bond was largely inappropriate. Standing his ground (metaphorically), Q stood up and straightened his jacket.
"See you at work, Bond" these words cut James' chest with a dagger, but he couldn't, for the life of him, explain why. He laid back against the headboard and watched the younger man walk out the bedroom door and close it.
Bond laid in bed for several moments before getting up. During his morning run, he came to the conclusion he was... is in love with his Quartermaster. After refreshing himself in the shower and heading to work, he found it extremely hard to concentrate.
M's words seemed to go in one ear and out of the other - but not in the usual way. He couldn't stop thinking about the time he had spent with Q and what had happened this morning. Once the meeting was over, Bond decided to go to see Q, but standing outside his office, he couldn't bring himself to go in.
Walking away, he was cought by Tanner, who questioned why he was still here and not on the mission.
"I went to see if Q had any new equipment. I'm heading to the changing room  to get my things before I head off. " Tanner nodded and continued to the lead Quartermasters office. Bond's lie worked, but then no one knew when an agent such as Bond was lying.
When he got to the changing room, he took advantage of the privacy and pulled up the mission files on his phone; one of the few things he got from the meeting. Reading through them, he put his bag on his back and headed straight to the tube.
The mission wasn't hard, he took down the enemy as instructed, using the gadgets Q had given him yesterday. The equipment was is top shape, which he knew Q would appreciate, so he decided to drop by Q's office after reporting to M.
He stood outside Q's office for a good few minutes before entering. Q sounded somewhat colder than usual. It was hard for James to ignore.
"Hello agent 007"
"Hello Q" Unlike usual, James didn't like how Q used his number instead of his name.
"Mission completed?" The curly haired Quartermaster tried to remain composed in this awkward and painful encounter.
"Yes. I brought your gadgets back" Bond put the gadgets on his Quartermasters desk, getting irritated his colleague wouldn't look him in the eye.
"Thank you" Q took the technology and swiftly put them in his desk drawers.
"Is there anything else, 007?" Q sounded impatient but that was expected because of the emotional pain he was in. The quartermaster was considerably less experienced in hiding his emotions than Bond. This made lying harder and quite frankly, exhausting. He wanted Bond out of his office so he could get on with work and have a good cry.
Bond hesitated answering. After a short pause, he then spoke in a voice Q knew he couldn't refuse or oppose off. It was Bond's stern voice.
"Come to dinner with me tomorrow night. I'll pick you up at 7" Bond didn't leave any room for a reply and left the office, a little surprised at what he just did but not letting it show.

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