Chapter 9

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An hour had passed... nothing..... no word from anyone: M, Moneypenny, any of the other colleagues. Nothing.

Q had had enough of waiting. He packed some essential equipment; some new technologies he had been saving for himself for emergencies - including one he hadn't tested out yet. He booked travel tickets whilst waiting for the kettle to boil. How hard could it be going on a mission? He'd seen bond and other agents doing it multiple times without any hassle.

Brew poured, backpack on, coat on, phone in pocket, note on M's door. One step. Two steps, three and he was off. The underground isn't so far away, then all he had to do was catch the right train then taxi, then boat to remain unseen.

'Why does time go slower when you're waiting for something?' He thought to himself on the platform, waiting for the train.

When the train finally arrived, he boarded and was immediately thrown out of his comfort zone. Person. Person. People. Seat. Pole. Person. Wall. Person. Window. Person. Person. Deep breaths..... deep breaths.....

Q wondered how James did this, quickly turning his thoughts to James, the date and the wonderful nights they had spent together prior to the date.

"I'm coming for you James" whispered the quartermaster, letting his affection for James fill him up with determination and confidence, despite his overall discomfort with his current predicament.

Soon, people started getting off and before he knew it, there were seats vacant. He sat on one, noticing the fog on the windows hadn't began to fade yet.

Opening his laptop, he started to research and develop a plan for rescuing Bond.

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