Chapter 7

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Carrying the injured person in his arms, James recalled the evening he had just spent with Q and reminisced at what would have happened if the curly haired man had gone up to the apartment.
He laid the figure on the couch and tended to their wounds before going to bed himself. He cursed at himself, despite knowing it was the right thing to do.
Laying in bed, he closed his eyes and began to dream of Q. It was a wonderful dream until he felt a knife to his throat.
He opened his eyes and grabbed the persons wrist, twisted it and elbowed the person in the ribs. He got up, dodged a punch then grabbed the persons head and hit it against the wall, causing the person to drop like a sack of potatoes ; falling unconscious.
He rang HQ but before he could speak, a needle and injection was inserted into his neck. The phone dropped, followed by his own body.
The room around him began to spin and fade into darkness before he could get a look at the person who did it.

Q got out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom to grab his medication. He struggled to get the bottle open. Fumbling with it, the bottle dropped into the sink, lid flying off and the pills going everywhere. He took two before he knelt to pick them all up and put them back in the bottle.
He fastened the bottle and went back to bed, when he saw his phone was ringing. He picked up the phone and answered.
"Q we need you at HQ as soon as possible" an agent on the other end of the phone stated with an urgent tone.
"I'll be there in ten" Q replied and hung up, beginning to get dressed and grab a cup of tea before heading out the door to HQ.
Heading through the doors, a couple agents whispered to each other. Q shook it off and continued to his office team, where he was waited for by M. Now he knew something was wrong.
"What's going on?" Q questioned, soon being silenced by a hand gesture by M.
"007 is missing. We need you to get him back. Ms Moneypenny will give you the details" with that, M walked back to their office.
"He was abducted at 3 o'clock this morning. He made a phone call to the office at 5 to 3 from his cell but didn't speak. There was a crash sound, which we believe to be him falling to the ground. His apartments empty, with evidence of bloody bandages and cotton wool in his bin."
Q had heard everything he needed and began to order his team with instructions, whilst he began to track Bond's tracker in his tooth.
'Where are you James?' Q mumbled to himself.

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