2. Patience of a Powerful

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"Your father was pleased to know you agreed to meet with me," he said. "I am also glad to see your face after such a long time in your confinement."

I ignored Hans', I looked outside the restaurant's window where the Angel's have caught interest in me. They had a more vicious look than any demon I've seen if I were to be walking freely in Hell, their glares intense and burned like the eternal flame.

Hans rests his hand onto mine, it awoke me from this 'trance'. "Don't worry about them dear ..."

With the end of my spoon, I played with the cake. Testing it's density, but not testing a bit in my mouth. "Are you sure you still want to marry me? The whole of Heaven wants me to burn in Hell."

"Yes I do."

"Is it because of my father?"

Hans removes his hand. I broke a smile of amusement, at myself, while I stared at my singular hand ... his touch turning cold. "It's an arranged marriage Elsa. I will fulfill my duty to be a good husband."

"So you don't love me?"

"... We've barely talked Elsa ..."

"I guess that's my fault," I mutter. "But what if you hated me? Would you still marry me?"

"I don't hate you Elsa. I think you are a beautiful, lovely angel."

"There are plenty of beautiful, lovely angels."

"... But I'm engaged to you Elsa. I will never mistreat you and I will always try my best to make you happy."

But that's not enough.

"The whole of Heaven thinks I don't deserve to be here. To be frank, this is the first time I've properly basked in the brightness of Heaven and yet all of these angels' are giving me such hostile glances," I said. "... I don't think you can make me happy. Not here."

"I've heard," Hans says and takes a sip from his teacup. "It must've been difficult recovering from the trauma of Hell. Your father had a plan to return you back here quickly, but that Demon swine proved to be difficult to sway ... I know that considering it's hard to get back on track ... but despite that, I'll try. Just tell me how."

I smiled for the sentiment. "... I don't want to marry."

"... Why is that?"

"You'd be waiting to get married for a long time."

"I'll wait."

"But a REALLY long time. In 40 years ... a century ... are you willing to wait that long?"

He shrugged. "The earlier the better. The later ... oh well, I'll just have to be patient."

After the conversation, I still didn't love him. But ... I'm sure his allegiance to my father would push him to treat me well. But I couldn't comprehend marriage, not in the next ten years or twenty years.

"And about the others looking at you like that, your father is hiring your own personal guards to deter the stares and protect your well being."

... That would make it worse. It would look like I was being pampered and that I only survived the eternal flames due to my dad being the most powerful angel in Heaven, which was true. But I didn't want to force it onto other people.

I left the elegant restaurant, still having an empty stomach. If I had eaten a piece of that cake, I would guarantee that I'd vomit on the intricate table cloth. I'd shrunken so much that the smallest gowns had gaps of space, and that the bones of my vessel would bulge unpleasantly. When the maids would deliver my food, I only had eaten a portion of it for my survival, at first when I arrived I was force-fed ... I'd be thrashing around when the maids would pin my down and shove mush down my throat.

Hans' couldn't escort me back to the estate because he had a meeting after, having a strict schedule. I never mentioned to him that my wings didn't work, I simply didn't have enough spiritual energy to flap my wings. I only arrived at the venue through teleportation, but I didn't have any teleportation home.

My only option was to walk back to the estate. In Heaven, everything is within close proximity, and so my walk would be in twenty minutes. Those estimated twenty minutes was obsolete, as it felt like a century walking through a sea of death stares- resentment. 

"Elsa!" A voice greeted me amiably, I turned in default, in panic. It was an Angel my age, she seemed familiar, I don't remember from where. "It's Tooth! You remember? We were in the same primary school."

"Ah ... yes ..." I said, I remember vaguely of her, she was teased constantly for being strange. Her parents were Angel's posted in mortal worlds, and in her early childhood she had adopted the attitudes and behaviours of mortals. Making her a victim to the cruelty of children. "Are you in University now?"

"I'm studying in politics. On the side I'm an activist, to potentially stop corrupt practices in the Angel Council."

I knew where she was going. "... That's great."

"Were you talking to Hans Westergaard?" she asked. "Is he your fiancee?"

"Uh- yes."

"He's such a good angel, sticking by you despite surviving Hell ..."

"It was nice seeing you but I must go-"

Tooth grabbed my arm quickly and tightly. "As an activist, I had to study journalism. It was essential in my pursuit for a cleaner Council," she told me. "It'd be a shame if I wrote something bad about you ... talk about our encounter ..."

"Go ahead," I jerked my arm free from her grip. "Everyone already hates me, you won't be doing much."

"The outrage will reach uncontrollable levels, that people will ruin your sister's celebration."

My eyes narrow. "You won't do a thing ..."

"Will I?"

"Do you have a personal vendetta against me? I didn't do anything in primary school to you ..."

"My father and North were close ... they were good friends and that was translated into him supporting North's cause," she explained. "He didn't even do something and now he's burning in the flames. And you? You broke into the secret archives ... a sin of serious magnitude. And you're here ... living, breathing in the comfort of your family's luxury all because you're an Arendelle."

"I'm sorry," I said. "But if you're truly an activist and you stand for what's right, you shouldn't ruin an innocent person's moment of happiness for your cause- because in the end you won;t have a cause. It'll be meaningless."

"How about you? You're not particularly innocent yourself."

"... Do what you want with me," I said. "But don't you dare interfere with Anna's marriage. If something does happen ... you'll be burning with your father."

Her fists tightened, and I turned away. "You ...! Mark my words I'll be out for you! I will ruin you!" Her words were distorted and I grew exhausted.

I'll look forward to it Tooth ...

The Fallen Angel Part 2Where stories live. Discover now