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Germany sighed. The meeting was going crazy as always, nothing new. Countries were fighting their with their rivals, allies doing stupid things together for "shits and giggles", and the most concerning of all, America was silent.

Germany felt uneasy, he could feel the hairs on the back of his neck rise from the tension in the room. It was bad for his already twitching eye. Even if he closed them, his left eye would still twitch.

Ludwig's hands vigorously shook as he tried to take a sip of his coffee. Feliciano, his best friend and the younger of the Italian twins, was spinning around in his chair, going on and on about how why his older brother isn't acknowledging his existence.

If this was the political sides' meeting, then how is Monica handling things? Germany suddenly felt sorry for the girl, putting up with the people of the nations. Thank the lord that Alfred is the only American, or else things would be much worse.

The sound of a chair breaking smacked Germany back into reality. He snapped his head towards the source to see an unconscious France and a haughty England, shouting so loud and fast that he couldn't identify a single word.

Ludwig crushed his coffee cup, too angry to acknowledge the pain. His fist collided with the table with so much force that it shook the ground.

"MEETING ADJOURNED!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. Everyone looked at him in complete shock, some lips were even trembling. One of those some was Italy.

Feliciano's mouth opened slightly, his hands slowly going to his eyes. Germany panicked as a sob escaped his best friend. Out of instinct, he scooped Feliciano into his arms and cradled him back and forth, whispering reassurances and apologies in his ear.

Ludwig could feel Romano's cold glare fixated on him, sensing that a gun was already in his hand, itching to shoot.

How did the meeting go from talking about Alfred's discovery of life on Mars to this?

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