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Monica nodded along to whatever Felicia was saying, only partly paying attention. The room was in utter devastation: ripped papers gliding through the air, personifications yelling left and right, and chairs being flung at country's heads.

She sighed through her nose, her eyes burning from not blinking for too long. Monica gave up on them a long time ago. Besides, it's not her place to babysit the other country's people.

Felicia was chatting endlessly about the butterfly she caught a few hours ago and how it would've stayed with her if she fed it pasta. And about that time where the rabbit her sister caught would've also stayed and not escape if she had given it pasta faster.

Monica just stayed silent, wishing for the meeting to be over. This may be bad, but at least Alfred's alone. God have mercy if there was another.

Everything would be much much worse if there was. Especially with the conflicts and school shootings going on. The girl would be angry, aggressive, depressed, and shaken; maybe even hateful.

Not to mention loud, idiotic, impulsive, probably fat, and much more. It was a miracle Alfred's the only one.

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