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Alfred looked around the world meeting. It was chaotic, but not as chaotic as it has been when they talked about his discovery of life on Mars years ago. At least everyone got over it and don't ask him questions anymore, it was a hassle trying to come up with lies that made sense with each other.

He smiled wider until it felt like his jaw would break. He needed to keep this up. For how long, he didn't know. But he'll do it for them. He'll do it for her.

Some countries shifted uncomfortably in their seats upon seeing Alfred's almost inhuman grin. He let his jaw slack a little to make it seem like a genuine smile.

He'd just finished presenting about how his people are coming together to plant twenty million trees to help fight back climate change and global warming by the end of the year. Oregon was beyond ecstatic to find out that he'll be the one getting the trees.

All of the other nations where excited and overjoyed to hear this news. They were finally making changes towards a better future, why wouldn't they be? Alfred was happy too. Happy to find another excuse to make them forget Mars.

A few years have past; the only real attention that planet ever got was when the Opportunity rover had died. They didn't even know her name or which one had died. They just know that one's gone; and also meant one less friend for her.

Hopefully Curiosity made her forget about Opportunity by now, or that would pose a huge problem. Some nations loudly insulted him, and how "he finally did something remotely good in his life" in their own languages, thinking Alfred couldn't understand what they're saying. It was a good call, doing what he did. He doesn't want her to face any of this.

Alfred can only imagine what would've happened if he hadn't listened to his instincts. He ignored the chill that ran down his spine at what atrocious crimes would've been committed if he remained ignorant of his feelings.

He had no choice but do what he did, otherwise the world would've been in a much worse state than it is right now. Maybe it would be "hell on earth", who knows for sure?

If only those ungrateful bitches know what he's been doing behind the scenes, maybe then they'll respect him and his work.

Doesn't matter right now. What matters is that She goes away. Alfred can't risk Her coming that close again, it was too soon, anyway. The world is not ready, too weak to challenge Her. He'll have to wait and see what happens. If all goes well, things will go back to the way it was a few years ago.

Just a few more years.

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