1. Exams

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Background: Jade is a busy college student looking for a roommate.

Jade is sitting at her desk with her laptop in front of her. As she reads the notes she has written in the past few months during classes, her eyelids are heavy and she struggles to stay awake. She had always loved studying Arts, but the amount of sleep she is lacking makes it hard to focus. She wakes up at seven AM every day, attends her classes and then comes home and studies for her upcoming exams.

She chose to rent an apartment instead of living in a dorm room exactly for times like this. In order to be able to study, she needs complete silence, and this wouldn't have been possible in a dorm room.

Jade reaches for her cup of coffee which lays on the desk, next to her laptop, and brings it to her lips only to find out it is empty. She sighs in desperation as she takes out the earplugs she is wearing and stands up. Jade allows her eyes to close as she walks towards the kitchen in order to give them at least some of the rest they need. She is not sure whether she is hallucinating when she hears a knock at the front door. There is a moment of silence, and then the sound of the doorbell is heard. Jade takes a sharp breath as she remembers that a woman was supposed to come see the apartment today, and possibly be her new roommate. Jade looks at the watch and sees that it is twenty minutes past eight, and she scheduled the visit to eight. A horrible feeling of guilt attacks her, she turns weak and the glass she is holding slips out of her hand and shatters into tiny pieces.

"Shit," Jade mumbles whilst looking down and realizing what just happened. Another knock on the door is heard, and she slowly walks towards the door, careful not to step on the sharp glass.

"Hi," Jade says as she opens the door. "I'm so, so sorry. I-"

"It's okay," the blonde woman softly replies. Jade feels the blush rise up to her cheeks as her brown eyes meet the woman's blue ones.

"Did you- I mean, were you, um, waiting for a long time?" Jade manages to ask, although her mind is unable to make up anything at the moment. She cannot think properly, and tries to calm herself down, but it is useless; she has seen beautiful women in her life, but no one compares to the one which is standing right in front of her.

"Yeah, but it was worth it," she replies. "I'm Perrie," the woman presents herself with a friendly smile.

"Hi, Perrie," Jade tells her and invites her to come in, and Perrie steps inside the apartment.

"What's your name again?" Perrie asks as she looks around the apartment.

"I'm Jade," Jade answers, and sneaks a glance at the mirror which is hung in the hallway. It confirms her cheeks are as blushed as they feel, and she quickly looks away. "Do you want a quick tour at the apartment?" Jade asks Perrie. Perrie nods, and Jade leads her to the closest room, the kitchen. She then remembers the broken glass on the floor, and slows her steps. "Be careful when you walk, I dropped a glass here right before you came in." Perrie giggles at these words and Jade, who tries to decrease the blood flow to her face, shows her the cabinets and the small pantry. She is awkwardly minding her steps as she does so, and Perrie cannot ignore her adorable clumsiness.

"How about I help you clean up here?" Perrie offers her help.

"It's fine, don't worry about it," Jade replies.

"I don't want you hurting your feet," Perrie insists with a charming smile Jade cannot say no to. Jade leaves the kitchen and comes back with a broom and a dustpan in her hands. The two women sweep the floor together, and share shy smiles as they do so. When they are done, Jade continues the house tour she is giving Perrie. Perrie seems to be satisfied with everything, and as Jade speaks about the different parts of the house, she feels Perrie's eyes watching her.

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