3. Snow Storms and Disney Castles

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Reality mixed with fiction mixed with @LMandDemiTrash 's adorableness. Hope you enjoy <3

"Pet, stay close to mommy, alright?" Norma tells her daughter as they are walking down the aisles  of the children's toy store. Jade is mesmerized by the fluorescent lights, the slippery floor, and all of the colours around her. At the age of nine, Jade feels like she is old enough to not always listen to her mother, and can walk around without her mother's supervision. She stays close to Norma, but doesn't hold the hand that is offered to her. 

She turns around when she hears a voice behind her. She sees a girl about her age, dressed in a baby blue dress which compliments the colour of her blonde hair. The thing that catches Jade's eye is the girl's single dimple. She finds it adorable. Just like Jade, the girl is walking down the aisle, although she is running from her mother as she laughs. When the mother calls her name, Perrie, she only runs faster and laughs louder. 

Jade has heard the word 'beautiful' many times in her life. It's what her mother tells her everyday, and how her teacher describes her drawings. Though she never understood this word until now, and she definitely thinks that the girl she is currently staring at is beautiful. Just like that, she understands; she likes girls, and never felt the same way about boys. 


Eight years later

The London location of Hamleys has seen slow days, but nothing Perrie has ever experienced compares to today. She has been working here for two years now, and it has become one of her favorite places in the city. Originally, this part time job was only meant to fund her college studies, but it has grown to be so much more. She loves seeing how the children's faces light up when Perrie shows them where the toy they have been asking for is located, and enjoys the parents' guilty smiles after every expensive purchase. Working at Hamleys feels like a holiday everyday, because it is always a little human's birthday, and Perrie is lucky enough to be a part of their special day. 

Today, however, is different. A massive snowstorm is expected to completely take over London, and it's like the city has been turned off. The streets are empty, schools are closed, and no one leaves the house unless they have no other choice. 

"I'm bored," Perrie tells her co-workers, Leigh-Anne and Jesy. They are standing in front of the entrance to the store and watch over the double doors. It feels like the happiness of this place has disappeared. It is too quiet without the sound of little feet down the aisles and high pitched voices begging for gifts, and Perrie cannot wait to go home. 

"Me too," Leigh-Anne says with a sad smile. "I think we can close early, no one's going to come anyway," she adds. She walks over to the counter, where the keys to the store are, and doesn't bother walking through all the aisles of the store to make sure everything's alright; it was empty in here all day. Jesy gets her and bag and hands Leigh-Anne and Perrie theirs, and as they approach the double doors together, these are suddenly opened. A beautiful brunette enters the store, looking rather apologetic. She seems to know where she is going as she heads inside and walks up the stairs to the second floor. Leigh-Anne puts the keys and the three girls' bags back where they belong, and Perrie follows the woman. She sees her at the Lego aisle, her gaze scanning the boxes. 

"Hi," Perrie tells her, and the woman turns to look at her. She looks about Perrie's age, and has mesmerizing eyes. Perrie can already feel the butterflies in her stomach, the same exciting feeling. Another advantage of working in retail is getting to see all kinds of people that have been graced with outstanding beauty. "Can I help you?" 

Perrie can almost see the wheels in the woman's head spinning. She remains silent as she stares at Perrie, completely focused. Perrie finds it funny, and she giggles as she repeats her question again. 

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