4. The Importance of Being Honest

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Perrie has no idea why she agreed to this. It has been forever since she had last gone out on a date, she didn't have the courage to after the way things ended with her ex. She is constantly getting asked, subtly by family or more directly by friends, when she's finally going to search for a lover again. While she healed from her previous breakup, a future that consists only of her and a couple of pets didn't seem too bad. That way, she will be independent and won't have to worry about someone else. She couldn't care less when she gave her phone to her friends Jesy and Leigh-Anne to look at a picture, and Jesy decided to download some generic dating app and set Perrie a profile. Perrie wasn't going to use it, she just didn't care. However, it turns out that Jesy and Leigh-Anne knew exactly which photos of their friend to put up, and Perrie was getting a decent amount of messages from all sorts of people. She only opened these chats when she was bored and had absolutely nothing else to do, and left them all on read. There were all kinds of approaches, some more straightforward than others, but again, it didn't really matter. Well, that was the approach until a message from a certain brunette came in. 

According to her profile, her name was Jade, and all Perrie knew was that she was stunning. She felt lucky that someone as beautiful as Jade has chosen to message her, of all people. Perrie had no intention of trying to date again, but Jade was so respectful on top of it all, and Perrie just couldn't decline. Jade had told her that one of her favorite things to do is to watch horror movies. She loves the rush of it, the fear that will forever be associated with the most innocent things, like identical twins and children's nursery rhymes. She wanted to take Perrie to see a horror movie at the theater, but the thing is, Perrie hates horror. She is very easily scared, and doesn't enjoy this feeling at all. She wanted to propose a different genre, but Jade seems to be one of those people who are so hot Perrie would literally do anything for. So for no valid reason, Perrie agreed. And there's not a choice she had ever made in her life that she regrets more than this one. 

She wanted to impress Jade so bad, but there are some scenes in this film that she will never be able to forget. At this point, about an hour into the movie, she is sitting with her eyes shut and her hands are tightly holding onto the edge of her seat. She knows that she already probably ruined every chance she had with Jade, so she excuses herself to the bathroom and practically runs out. When she gets to the bathroom, she stands in front of the mirror for a couple of minutes and regulates her breathing. Then, when she feels better, she pulls out her phone and types a furious text to Jesy and Leigh-Anne about how this is all their fault and they shouldn't be invested in Perrie's love life like that. Before she can hit send, though, someone enters the room and she lifts her eyes off of the screen. When she sees that it's no other than Jade, her breath catches in her throat. 

"You were gone for a while," she says, and there's something about her tone that feels so incredible to Perrie's ears. She's flawless, and Perrie still finds it difficult to talk to her. "I'm really sorry, I didn't know you aren't a fan of horror movies. We would've gone somewhere else if you told me," Jade continues. 

"I should've said something, I know," Perrie replies as her cheeks turn a faint shade of pink. 

"Why didn't you?" Jade asks with playfulness that's mixed with genuine interest and curiosity. 

"I kind of really wanted to impress you," Perrie answers and laughs out of slight embarrassment. "It's been a while since I last went out on a date like that so this is still weird for me, I just wanted to do what you wanted to. Because you're honestly like, really beautiful and I want to have dinner with you and I also want to make out with you. And now I'm just rambling, I talk a lot when I'm nervous, I know, sorry," she tells Jade, who appears to be amused by the whole scenario. 

"Don't be sorry, that was cute," Jade says and giggles. "Let's just go get something to eat, does that sound good?" 

"Okay," Perrie sweetly replies and follows Jade out of the bathroom. A few minutes later, they sit down at a fast food place close by, and as they are eating their burgers, the atmosphere is light and fun. The more time that passes, the more comfortable Perrie feels around Jade, which is definitely not something to take for granted. When they finish off their meals, they begin concluding the date. "You know, my friends set me up on this dating app, I never wanted to do it. My last break up was really tough, and I've sort of given up. You're the only person I actually replied to. It was a big step for me, and I'm glad it was with you," she shares. 

When Perrie gets home, she showers and dresses in her pajamas, updates her friends, and goes to sleep alone, but not feeling lonely, for the first time in a long time. She doesn't know if things will work out with Jade, because it turns out that she actually lives a little far and has only been visiting family here. Regardless of what happens in the future, starting today, identical twins and nursery rhymes will always be associated with excitement and anticipation in Perrie's mind, and Jade will have a special place in her heart forever. 

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