6. Inside Out

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A/n: dedicated to everyone out there who knows someone by heart. No foundation is more solid than time.

Pure, slow fluff because I felt inspired. If that's not your thing, feel free to skip this one. Though if it is, sit back, take a deep breath, and dive in.

Nothing marks the end of the school year more than feeling carefree. Perrie might not be the most hardworking student, but she is definitely an over thinker. She could handle the exams, but trying to get rid of the stress has always been her greatest battle. However, as she takes her bag and steps out of the classroom where she had just finished her last exam for this school year, she is in the state of familiar, soothing euphoria. She is unsure about a couple of the answers she had written down, but is simply ecstatic to be done with having to deal with the immense pressure that comes with school, even just temporarily. As her classmates compare their answers, Perrie is checking her phone repeatedly. Jade promised she would come see her as soon as the exam was over, and she has been looking forward to it ever since she sat down at the table with the paper in her hands.

When Jade finally appears down the hall, Perrie feels like she is pieced together again. No matter what the circumstances are, Jade never fails to excite her, and that's what made Perrie understand, right from the beginning, that what they have is something that's worth keeping. Jade, being her shy self, silently reaches for Perrie's hand and intertwines their fingers. Perrie squeezes Jade's hand once, a sign that everything went fine, and Jade gently leans her head against Perrie's shoulder. She can feel their friends' slightly embarrassed faces watching over them, making excuses out of the blue as to why they actually really have to go, but it's not enough to make Jade nor Perrie uncomfortable. They are invested in each other so deeply that while feeling each other's touch, they are blind to everything else around them.

Soon enough, the two are left on their own. Jade's impatience forbids her from wasting any time, and she leads Perrie by the hand to the street. They get into Perrie's car, and not a word needs to be said. While they have been together for less than year, they have their own secret language to use; looking at each other when they laugh, and squeezing the other's hand, and always keeping an eye out for one another to make sure they are not too far. Jade knows that Perrie's exam went just fine, and Perrie knows that Jade missed her while they were apart for this brief period of time. They get into Perrie's car, and she drives while Jade tells her where she should make turns. Driving with Jade has recently grown to become one of Perrie's favorite ways to pass the time. Perrie's top priority has always been Jade, yet sometimes, she can't help but get caught up in herself, her feelings and whatever she is going through at the time. When that happens, Jade is always there for her, and Perrie being the one out of the two of them to drive is a way to pay Jade back somehow. She takes over the little things Jade doesn't like doing, with driving being one of many.

"Jade, are you taking us to the beach?" Perrie asks while they are waiting at a red light and playfully rolls her eyes.

"Just shut up and drive," Jade replies using the same teasing tone. She knows that Perrie would choose staying in over going out any day, the opposite of Jade. At the same time, though, Perrie always ends up having fun and thanking Jade for taking her out despite her initial objection to it.

"You're so annoying," Perrie complains and keeps driving. She keeps her eyes on the road, but looks at Jade for one moment. Her eyes say so much, and the best part is, Jade knows she isn't just imagining a meaning that isn't there. She can actually read in Perrie's eyes how grateful she is to have Jade, who is the only person that can make her enjoy activities that deviate her comfort zone. She is thinking about how she needs to let her parents know that she will be home late, but she is probably going to forget, so Jade is going to have to remind her.

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