Bakugou, you okay? 🌹🍂

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Bakugou's POV

Nothing pisses me off more than being beaten at something, especially by a little shit like Deku.   But it wasn't just that. It was the way everyone in the class cheered when his score was revealed to be higher than mine. They all wanted to watch me fail and watch Deku succeed.

And then, to make things even worse, Kaminari and Sero decided to keep rubbing it in my face for the rest of the day. "Hey Bakugou, you might have to study harder for this next test, Midoriya might beat you in that too!" I wanted to knock their fucking teeth in.

Deku avoided me for the entire day, which I was grateful for. I wouldn't have been able to stop myself from killing him right then and there.

I ignored them and just waited until the school day was over so I could get back to the dorm and lock myself in my room. I was practically counting the minutes. Finally, the bell rang, indicating the end of our school day. I was out that door before anyone could say anything to me. I went right to my room and shut the door.

I sighed and sat down at my desk, getting my books from my bag and setting them on the desk. I planned on studying for a bit, but decided that I would study later and played some games on my phone for a bit. Before I knew it, it was almost dinner time.

I didn't feel like going downstairs and pretending I liked these people, so I opted to skip dinner. I had some snacks in my bag already anyways, so if I got hungry I would just eat those. I started actually doing some work, but shortly after dinner started, I heard knocking on my door. It was timid, almost afraid. I guessed that it was pikachu.

"Hey Bakugou, it's Kaminari."

I fucking knew it.

"So, uh, we're having dinner now. I'm not sure if you knew the time or anything, but whatever. Just, come down and join us, alright?" I didn't answer. He waited for a second, not moving and probably debating whether he should knock louder. For his own sake, I was hoping he wouldn't. "Alright then, we'll set some aside for you if you want to come down." He finally walked away, his footsteps receding.

That little shit. Spends all day trying to piss me off, but now he's too scared to knock on my door twice. Whatever, I don't give a fuck about him anyways.
My frustration kept increasing, the more I thought about it, to the point where I could no longer study. My hands lodged themselves in my hair out of sheer frustration.

I tried to keep my feelings in check, but an old habit of mine came back. Where my frustration would be released in the form of tears. I made an attempt to force my tears back, but they just kept coming, streaming down my face.

I made no sound when I cried, something that I'd learned how to do years ago so that my dad wouldn't hear me and start asking me what was wrong. I hated it when he spoke quietly and touched my face gently, like he was scared I'd break like some stupid fucking porcelain doll. I hated how he treated me like I was weak, but it probably was because I looked weak back then, just as I did sitting in my room, alone, crying all over my textbook while all my "friends" enjoyed their dinner together.

I hated it. How pathetic I was being. How much I wanted them to care. How much I wanted him to care.

Kirishima POV

"Alright, he's definitely not coming downstairs, so let's just eat. But leave some for him, I told him that we would." Everybody sighed, but quickly went back to their food and the conversations they were having before Kaminari came downstairs.

Sero sat next to me and was followed by Kaminari, who sat across from us. Kaminari said "I can't believe Iida made me go talk to him! Ugh, whatever, at least he didn't yell at me or try to blow me up." This quickly caught my attention.

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