Stay With Me? 🥀

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This is potentially triggering for some people, so read at your own risk.
Mentions of homophobic/abusive families and self-harm.

Kirishima POV

Not too long ago, a reporter had come to UA to do a story on the everyday life of the UA students. However, what we weren't told is that his quirk allowed him to take pictures with cameras on his body, so even if it looked like he didn't have a camera on him, he could still take a picture.

After we'd finished eating breakfast, Bakugou and I went upstairs, not knowing the reporter was behind us. I walked with Bakugou to his room and, before I left, gave him a quick kiss. The reporter had taken a picture of said kiss with his quirk without telling us. To make matters worse, he included it in an article.

Most of the Hero Course students knew about me and Bakugou, as well as some others at UA, but aside from them, it was a secret and I wanted to keep it a secret because I knew my family was homophobic.

When I was younger and first realized I liked guys, I told them about it, thinking they'd be fine with it. That was when I learned they were homophobic. They yelled at me, saying that I was a disgrace and that they'd find a way to fix me. I ran to my room and locked myself in, but through the door I could hear them talking about whether they wanted to send me to conversion therapy or a church camp that is meant to convert kids.

They decided on the camp, saying I was a bit too young for the conversion therapy. It was the worst week of my life and all it taught me was that if I were to fall in love, I would have to keep it a secret. It was also the first time I'd ever cut myself.

I didn't really think about it, I just felt the pain. And for some reason, I wanted more of it. Maybe because my parents told me I deserved that pain. Maybe because I'd already hated myself anyways. Whatever the reason, that sweet pain had put me in a trance.

When that article came out and my phone lit up with calls from my parents, it felt like my heart stopped. Bakugou tried to comfort me, but that never was his specialty anyways. I did appreciate the effort though.

I was scared, but because of the dorm system at UA, I figured that I'd never have to spend time with my parents anyways and after I graduated, I'd get my own place to stay where I wouldn't have to be scared anymore. The thought comforted me and I carried on with my life, the razor blades staying tucked away at the back of my drawer.

For a while, everything was good. Bakugou's parents were okay with our relationship, and we even had dinner at their house one night. It was wonderful. I loved spending time with them, and they cared for me as if I was their son too.

The media had been talking about Bakugou and I for a bit, but everything calmed down when the next big scoop came up. I thought I was in the clear, until one day, in class, Aizawa sensei said he had an announcement.

"UA has decided to give all the students a week to spend back at home with your families. They want to do a full clean of the dorms because some classes have found rats, so all of you have to go. Your parents have already been told all this and will be expecting you. It starts next week so you can pack whenever you'd like. You will still attend classes as usual."

Bakugou looked over at me, but I couldn't bring myself to look back at him. My heart was racing and I tried to distract myself by thinking of the work in front of me.

After class, Bakugou came up to me. "You're not going back there, alright? You're staying with me at my place. My parents won't mind. I'm not letting you leave my side to be with those fuck nuggets." I nodded, but if my parents showed up at UA to pick me up, there would be nothing Bakugou could do because they're my legal guardians.

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