Valentine's Day 🌹

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I know this is totally an overused idea in one shots, but I like romance, sue me.


Bakugou POV

It was almost Valentine's Day and I knew I had to get something good. Kiri was the best gift giver I'd ever met, even better than the shitty nerd. Every time we got gifts for each other, his were always better. Not this time. I was going to be the goddamned king of gifts. He was going to be blown away by the romance I was about to hit him with.

The only problem was that I had no fuckin' clue where to start.

Flowers were obviously going to be part of the gift, as were chocolates. Those were basic, common Valentine's Day gifts, but I wanted my present to be anything but basic. There were so many ways I could go and my brain was starting to hurt doing all this fucking thinking!

Kirishima POV

I bet Bakugou's already started freaking out about getting a gift. He always worries too much about those things, I'm just happy that he wants to spend time with me at all. I know that he doesn't really like people, but he chooses to be with me and that's the best gift he could give me.

I just don't know what to say to him to make him relax a bit. If I tell him I don't need a gift, he'll see it as a personal challenge to give me the most extravagant, unnecessary gift in the universe, which I would really appreciate, but I don't want him spending all that money on me.

I guess it can't be helped. He always wants to be the best. I guess I have no choice but to step up my game too. After all, I hate losing just as much as he does.

Bakugou POV

Alright, gift giving step 1: make a list of Kiri's interests, things he likes, hobbies, his most dominant personality traits, anything that might give ideas.

Ok, my list so far:
Likes: sharks, crocs, meat, working out, the colour red, stupid sappy movies
Hobbies: working out, eating, training, has started cooking
Personality: caring, accepting, competitive, loving, manly

Ok, so the personality bit didn't really do much other than highlight how gay I am, but that's not important. As for the likes, maybe I can get him a shark? Well, a stuffed one I guess. A real one would be cooler, but I don't think that's possible. Ok then, stuffed shark. I'll try to find a red one, he'd like that.

Im not getting him any fucking crocs, so I'm not even gonna acknowledge that. He likes working out and he has his own mini gym in his room, maybe I can get something to add to it? I'm sure there's lots of stuff for that.

Then the final problem is: how do I make any of this shit romantic? I mean, yeah, we can watch one of his stupid romance movies, but that's not me being romantic, that'll just remind him of how not romantic I am. Fuck, why is this so difficult?

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I need some help here. Who should I ask? Maybe round face? No, she'd annoy me too much. Definitely nobody in the bakusquad, they're all dumbasses. The old hag certainly won't help, she's not the romantic one. Wait, maybe dad can help me?
This is going to be a night mare.

I walked from UA's campus to my house and opened the door. "I'm home!" My mom's voice echoed throughout the house, "you could at least say hello you little shit!" I just scoffed and left my shoes by the door as I went into the living room and saw the two of them sitting on the couch. "What the hell are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be at your dorm?"

I rolled my eyes. As much as I liked picking fights with the old hag, I sometimes wish that she'd actually be happy to see me from time to time.

I just walked up to my room, knowing that my dad would follow to come and talk to me. At least one of my parents doesn't hate me. Sure enough, there was a quiet knock on my door, and I said, "come in." Dad opened the door and sat on the edge of by bed where I was lying down.

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