Cause and Effect Pt.1 🍂

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I'm telling you right now, this is going to be the longest one shot I've ever written, so strap in. I divided it into two parts to make it a bit shorter. Also, I had to do some research for this one. If it's wrong, I'm too lazy to care, but just know that I tried.
Anyways, here it is.

Also, Kirishima and Bakugou are on a first name basis in this one and are kind of dating, but it's not official. They act really couple-y tho.


Kirishima POV

"Good morning Katsu!!"


Katsuki sat down and stared at the board in front of us, not paying attention to anyone in the room. He always got like that in the morning. He'd been training so hard recently, he'd exhaust himself completely and he'd have no energy the next morning.

Everyone sat in their spots and waited for Aizawa sensei to get out of his sleeping bag. He still had his back facing us, so Iida went over and gently poked him to wake him up.

Eventually, we got sensei up and he started to announce our lessons for the day. Our first class was going to be quirk enhancement training.

The entire class groaned when he said that. Though it was a necessary part of being a hero, it sucked. Big time. It was exhausting, requiring everyone to push their bodies to the absolute limit and maybe even beyond that. It's like doing cardio at the gym. You need to do it if you want to lose weight, but you can't help but wonder if it's worth the pain.

So, unfortunately, we headed towards the locker rooms to get changed into our gym uniforms. "Hey, Katsu, what will you be doing for this training?"


"Ummm, Katsu? Hello? KATSUKI!"

Katsuki looked up at me, startled. "Why the fuck are you yelling? What do you want?"

"I was asking what you're going to do for your training. I was just trying to make conversation, I didn't mean to bother you." I tried my best not to look hurt, but he noticed.

"It's not that I didn't want to talk to you, I just didn't hear you until you were screaming in my ear, which I didn't fuckin appreciate. Stop giving me your puppy dog eyes, alright? I'm sorry." I gave him a side hug to let him know I accepted his apology and that was the end of that.

Our time to get changed was up and we went into UA's main training building. This place was so heavy duty, a theory had spread around UA that is was built to be a nuclear shelter. Whatever it was made for, it was convenient for us to use. With a huge open area and no chance of destroying the building, it was ideal for a certain blond with a destructive quirk.

Compared to some of the other people in class 1-A, my training regimen was...underwhelming. Todoroki was using both his quirks at the same time, Yaomomo was creating huge objects (she's trying to make a car!), my quirk just seemed really bland. Katsuki stood out the most. He had a huge section of the facility to himself and he was shooting off massive explosions.

It worried me a bit. Every quirk has some kind of drawback, a physical toll on the body for using it too much. Katsuki has always been pretty careful with his quirk, never losing control too much, but the point of this kind of training was to push the boundaries, which he was clearly doing.

Eventually, Aizawa sensei had to move Aoyama, who was in the area next to Katsuki, over to another spot because the explosions were sending debris and smoke way further than they'd anticipated.

It was impressive, no doubt about it. I'd seen him do this kind of training before, but these were the biggest explosions he'd ever made. It was scaring me. Every time I tried to look away, the deafening 'BOOM' would reverberate through the building and every time, I had to look over just to make sure Katsuki was okay.

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