Just Rest for a Bit 🍂

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Kirishima POV

Ugh. It's hot. Why is it so hot, it's almost winter?

I rolled out of bed and stood up to go grab a drink of water, which was something that I wouldn't normally consider a mistake, but this time, it definitely was. The second I put weight on my legs, I felt my entire body cave in as my legs collapsed underneath me.

Embarrassingly, I fell down. That's basically me saying that I ate shit. And it wasn't like I caught myself before I hit the ground. My reflexes weren't working and my face had made solid contact with the floor before I realized what was happening.

It hurt. A lot. I tried to get up. I planted my palms down onto the floor and pushed myself up with all the strength I had in me, which apparently wasn't much, because I only managed to get a few inches off the ground. Instead, I rolled onto my back and did a sit up, which eventually worked.

I felt like a turtle stuck on its back. I probably looked like an idiot, but I couldn't really focus on that because my whole body felt weak and everything hurt. And it was still unbearably hot. I was sweating like crazy, the sweat staining my red t-shirt and turning it into a maroon colour.

Everything was spinning around me and I tried to get back into my bed. I was on my feet, but just barely. Walking was a slow and difficult process. It took a minute or two to take a step. I felt like absolute shit.

I gave up on trying to get back to my bed. I laid back down on the floor, looking at my ceiling. My head started to hurt, along with my chest. I curled up on my side and hoped the pain would go away and I would either fall asleep or be able to go back to my bed. Then, my stomach started hurting, only adding onto my suffering.

Pathetic as it was to admit, I couldn't do anything but lie on the floor. I felt as stupid as I looked. And, to make matters worse, I head a knock at my door.

Great. Now somebody's going to see me like this.

I was surprised to hear the knock. My eyesight was blurry and I couldn't clearly make out the time on the clock, but I knew it was the middle of the night. Whoever was knocking should be fast asleep.

"Shitty hair, open the door." It was Bakugou. I made no move to open the door, and not just because I couldn't even if I wanted to. The last thing I wanted to do was have Bakugou come in here because I was too weak to take care of myself.

Bakugou considered me, of all people, to be his equal; it would be a total embarrassment to him if anyone found me looking so delicate and breakable. I was supposed to be unbreakable, Bakugou was supposed to be able to rely on me. I can't disappoint him.

"Go to bed Bakugou, it's late." I did my best to sound normal, but my voice was rough and scratchy, which I wasn't surprised by because my throat felt like it was on fire. I didn't hear an answer from him, only footsteps walking away from my door and back to his room. I heard his door open and then close.

I let out a sigh of relief. I closed my eyes, trying to sleep once again, but there was no way. I was somehow sweating even more than before and the pain had started to take over my whole body, with every last part of me burning from the inside out. I knew I had a long night ahead of me.

Then, I heard the sound of Bakugou's door opening and closing once again. I listened carefully as his footsteps approached my room once again. This time, there was no knock. There was, however, the quiet click of a lock and my door being swung open. I'd completely forgotten that I gave Bakugou a key to my room.

His eyes met mine and I wanted to disappear from existence. I knew I looked totally pathetic and there was nothing I could do about it. I hated it. The closer he got to me, the more I wished I had the strength to stand so I could jump out my window. Every gentle step he took towards me made my heart sink even further down.

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