Protective 🌹🍂

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Kirishima POV

After days of asking, I finally got Bakugou to agree to go on a date with me to an amusement park. I was so excited I could barely contain myself. "This is gonna be awesome! Bakugou, what are you gonna wear?"

"Be quiet shitty hair, I'm trying to study!"

I walked over to him and pulled him and his chair a little bit away from his desk, then sat in his lap. I pushed my back against his chest and he continued to study, putting his chin on my shoulder.

Heh. He's like a chihuahua. All bark and no bite.

I started kissing his neck to see if I could distract him from his work a little bit, but he just smirked and looked at his textbook. He knew that I wanted attention and clearly wasn't going to give me any.

I sighed in defeat and got up. "Oi, where are you going?" He called after me.

"Getting ready. I'll meet you downstairs, don't be late." I kissed his cheek and headed towards the door.

"Black jeans, red shirt, black jacket."


"You asked what I was wearing."

"Oh. The bright red shirt?"


"Alright. See you later babe!" I could see him blush at the nickname and smiled to myself. I always loved making him flustered because it was so rare to see Bakugou anything other than angry.

As I reached my room, I went to my closet and looked through it. The reason I asked Bakugou what he was wearing is I wanted to match with him, but if I said that he'd never tell me. I grabbed my own pair of black jeans with a red t-shirt. I also found my black jacket which had some red and white accents on it. I laid the outfit on my bed and decided to take a quick nap. I set an alarm on my phone that would leave me with enough time to get ready and went to sleep.

Bakugou POV

I knew the dumbass would want to wear matching clothes. He was always doing cheesy shit like that. I hated that kind of stuff, but it made him so happy, I couldn't bring myself to not do it.

I closed my books as I finished studying and hopped in the shower. Then, I got dressed and did my hair, trying to keep the spiked sections from falling in front of my face. When I was satisfied, I went downstairs to wait for Kiri.

Kirishima POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm and got out of bed, getting more and more excited the closer I got to our date.

I went to the bathroom and tried to style my hair, but I was having one of those days where it just wouldn't stay up. I resigned myself to the fact that I would have to leave it down for our date. I tied it in a small ponytail behind my head with a few sections still in front of my face.

When I was finally ready, I went downstairs to the common room of the dorms. To my surprise, Bakugou was already there waiting for me. I checked the time on my phone to see if I was late, but it said I was a few minutes early.

"Hey, Katsuki, why are you so early? Could it be that you're excited to spend some quality time with me?" I teased him playfully and he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. Let's go." He offered his arm to me and I didn't hesitate to put my hand in the crook of his elbow, pulling him closer to me.

We walked out of the dorm arm-in-arm. I couldn't keep a smile from spreading across my face. However, once we were off UA grounds, I put my hand back in my jacket pocket. Everybody at the school knew about our relationship, but I was still scared to go out in public. When I was in middle school, the other kids made fun of me for being gay and I've always been a bit nervous telling others about my sexuality since. Bakugou always respected that, so when I drew my hand away, he didn't ask any questions or act weird about it.

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