Chapter 1: Golden Boy

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"Jungkook, It's been a while since we've heard from you, how are you? How's Y/N?" the reporter excitedly asked the question before passing the mic over.

Here it comes- "I'm great, thanks for asking. And Y/N? She's doing great as well. She's been working really hard these last few weeks on her modeling campaign so unfortunately, she couldn't join me today. But she wanted me to say on her behalf that she'll comeback soon!" he smiled, bowing.

Wow he's good. I thought he would have forgotten what PD-nim said. He didn't seem to be paying attention during the meeting the other day.

I sighed, smiling towards the TV. I plopped myself back down onto my couch as I muted the volume. No need to keep watching, I'm sure he's got it from here.

Suddenly my phone began to blow up with messages from the boys.

Jin ٩(♡ε♡ )۶: WOW! Jungkook actually nailed it! ヽ(^o^)丿


Jimin (•ө•)♡ is Typing...

Jimin (•ө•)♡: Yeah... I'm shocked, he seemed so disinterested in last weeks meeting. 


Namjoon ('-﹏-';) is Typing... 

Namjoon ('-﹏-';): Tell me about it... ಠ_ಠ


Hoseok (/◕ヮ◕)/ is Typing... 

Hoseok (/◕ヮ◕)/: Y/N!! Another interview was a success, I bet you're so relieved.


Y/N: Yeah. I was super nervous... He's not the golden member for nothing. (^_^.)


I chuckled reading the messages. I'm sure everyone was a little worried he would've broken script. He's been getting pretty distracted in meetings lately. I guess he's just not that interested in them anymore.

We've been keeping up this acts for months, he's probably just tired of having to lie.

I feel for him. After all this time, I think keeping up with this facade is getting exhausting, but if it's in order to keep Jungkook happy, then I don't mind continuing it- for him.

But a day is going to come where he'll finally let the secret out and I'll be kicked to the curb, not literally. More or so, he won't have to hang out with me, or even see me anymore if he doesn't want to.

My thoughts were cut short when my phone began ringing.

I looked towards the caller ID and answered, "Hi." I smiled to myself.

"Ahhh, Y/N... you were so worried for nothing. I told you, you can always count on me." he sighed, chuckling lightly.

"I don't know Kook, you haven't been paying attention much in the meetings anymore. If you're getting tired of keeping up with this lie, let's end it now. I'm sure I'll take all the hate anyway." I scratched the back of my head, starring out my apartment window.

"Oh c'mon Y/N, don't think like that. I'd never let you take all the blame for this. I'm the one that dragged you into it. You don't deserve it, I do." he sighed into the phone. 

As much as he wants to think like that, I hope one day he'll truly realize it'll never be like that.

I jumped as my door bell rang, "Kook excuse me for a second, someone's at the door." I sighed, removing the phone from my ear, "Who is it?" I called out.

After getting no response I walked to the door and checked the peep hole... no one.

Before I could turn away, the bell rang once again. I mentally sighed. Is now really the time for someone to be playing ding dong ditch?

The door bell began to ring rapidly. My pet peeve was now triggered. I turned back towards the door, unlocked it, and swung it open.

"Why the he-" before I could finish my sentence Jungkook covered my mouth mid yell. 

"Geez, why are you so loud?!" he laughed pushing me into the apartment.

"Why the hell are you rapid firing on my doorbell??" I huffed before smacking his arm.

He closed the door behind him, "You didn't answer it after my first ring, that's why!".

"Hey! Don't raise your voice with me!".

"Well you don't raise yours back!".

We went back and fourth for a little while before I ended the bickering, "Why didn't you just tell me over the phone that you were coming over?".

"I don't know, element of surprise I guess? I kind of just wanted to see your face, it's been a while since we hung out." my heart fluttered at his words, "You've been gone for a bit..." he ruffled through his hair as he sat down.

"Kook, I saw you last week. Over exaggerative much?" I chuckled joining him on the couch.

He pushed me to the side causing me to hang over the side of the couch, "Hush, at least someone missed you, be grateful!" he scoffed, pouting childishly.

My heart was jumping now. He's just so adorable... "Fine. I'm thankful. I'm kind of actually glad you stopped by. These last few days I've been so busy I haven't had much interaction with anyone besides staff." I brought myself up from the side of the couch, smiling like a kid.

"Yeah, PD told me. You know he talks about you quite a lot, besides for our faked relationship that is. He's very happy with how professional you are and how serious you are with your work." I smiled hearing his comment.

"Really? That's good to hear! I truly like what I do." I continued to smile and Jungkook just stared.

I caught glimpse and just like that, my heart began to race again, "What? Is there something on my face?" I shied away.

"No." he chuckled, "I'm just amused by your reaction. But more importantly I find it funny that you're 5'1 and have a modeling campaign..." he cackled.

"Hey! Rude!!" I shot back, attacking him causing him to shriek.

"Get off of me you beast!!" he shouted.

This is how we are: we bicker, we laugh, and we just live in the moment. But, just how much longer is it going to be like this? How long can we truly live like everything is real and not just some kind of lie? I guess only time will tell. 

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