Chapter 3: Disappointment

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This is it, this is the moment that I've been waiting for, "Y/N, remember this is your night. You look absolutely beautiful. When you get out there just smile and wave." I nodded my head and smiled.

The door was opened for us and Jimin took the lead. He smiled so brightly when the cameras hit him, he oozed appeal. He carried himself with confidence, something I need to do. I decided to follow his lead. We slowly walked the carpet arms linked.

"Y/N you look absolutely stunning.".

"Y/N look here!".

"Over here! Over here!"

I did my best to keep up with the cameras. There was just so many. In the moment it felt a bit overwhelming but I tried not to show it.

Halfway through we were stopped by a reporter, Jimin insisted I give it a shot and talk with them.

"Y/N I just want to start by saying you totally stole the night, no one is going to shine as bright as you! But, we're also all curious just where is your leading man, Jungkook?" I began to bite my lip. I should've known a question like this was going to get asked.

I smiled small, "Unfortunately some really important business had came up. I'm not allowed to say, but I know he wouldn't have skipped out on tonight for any other reason besides that. Kookie, if you're watching, work hard okay? I'm not angry with you." I smiled waving to the reporter and walking off.

Jimin joined my side again, "Not bad. You handled that really well, I'm proud of you girl... but, I know that kind of question probably hurt you a bit, I'm sorry." he linked our arms again and led us to our table.

I thought back on what he said, "Jimin you know you don't have to apologize. I actually want to thank you. You've made me feel a whole lot better. You gave me a sense of courage I didn't think I had." he smiled and kissed my hand.

"Then I'm glad that I came." he cheekily smiled again.

"Now let's eat, I'm hungry!" I smiled.



We ate, answered a few more questions about the campaign, and then called it a night. The promotional even went extremely well, but I can't help to think how it would've went if Kookie would have just showed up.

Jimin and I separated and as I climbed back into the car to head back to my apartment I turned my phone back on to see a great number of messages and missed calls from Kook.

Missed Call (4) Kookie (๑•̀ㅂ•́)ﻭ✧

Kookie (๑•̀ㅂ•́)ﻭ✧

Y/N... I'm really sorry!

Kookie (๑•̀ㅂ•́)ﻭ✧

Text me back pronto...

Kookie (๑•̀ㅂ•́)ﻭ✧

Has the event started yet?

Kookie (๑•̀ㅂ•́)ﻭ✧

Don't be mad at me.

I stared at my screen. Geez, what's his deal? Don't be mad? Are you kidding me? Im fuming. I'm always there for him no matter what my schedule looks like, at times I've even had to cancel things. But, this one time, this one time where I needed him for something and he couldn't even show? I scoffed to myself. 

"Y/N? Are you alright?" Mrs. Kim poked her head around the passenger seat to look at me.

"I'm great Mrs. Kim, just fantastic." I looked up towards her with tears forming in my eyes. I wonder if she caught the sarcasm...

"I'm sorry, you didn't deserve that." I immediately apologized, "I just don't feel like talking about it right now, forgive me..." I sighed laying my head onto the seat and staring out towards the window. I watched as the city lights streamed past me.

"We're here Mrs. Y/L/N." the driver called out to me.

"Thank you, I appreciate you taking out the time to take me to and from the event. Have a nice night Mr. Han. You as well Mrs. Kim!" I smiled taking my things from the car.

I walked up to my apartment slowly. The fresh air feels extremely nice tonight. As I made it to my door, before I could reach the handle, it swung open. I jumped shrieking loudly.

"Woah, woah, woah, Y/N it's just me! Calm down." Kook stood next to the door.

"Oh... it's you." I gave him the cold shoulder and walked past him.

"Y/N... Are you mad?" he asked closing the door behind me.

"You know Kook I was, but now I'm just disappointed." I turned to him, "Kook... you freaking promised me. You said you wouldn't be late. In fact you definitely said you'd be there." my eyes glossed over once again.

He only stared at me as I continued, "I'm always there at every single event, not solely because I have to be, but because I like to support you. I like to celebrate major accomplishments with you because you've worked so hard, but when it's my turn, you just don't show up? I don't ever ask much of you, ever. This is the only thing that belonged to me, that made me feel special, made me feel like I've worked hard and have accomplished so much. Yet you don't come??" some tears fell from my eyes but I quickly wiped it away.

I can tell he felt extremely guilty as he looked at me with his big brown orbs, "Y/N look, I'm seriously so sorry. It's just that Eunha-" I cut him off.

"Of course it was Eunha. What, you couldn't wait one more day to have a stupid date?!" I unknowingly raised my voice at him. He seemed genuinely surprised. He's never really seen this side of me before.

"You're right, that was completely wrong of me. I should've chosen you." he went to reach for my hand but I pulled away.

"You're right. For once you were finally thinking like a decent human being!" I scoffed and walked towards my door, "Kook I've had enough for tonight, please just go home." I rolled my eyes as I stood waiting by the door. 

"Y/N..." he called out.

"Get out!" I shouted and he started to head towards the door.

As he passed me he apologized once more, "Goodnight.".

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