Chapter 10

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I instinctively knew that I was in danger. I couldn't explain it, I just knew. Maybe it was the way their beady little black eyes looked at me or the way their whiskers moved as they scrunched their noses, sniffing the air. Probably for my scent.

'Am I going to have to fight these rabbits? Is this how The Gamer fought those zombies, he just somehow found himself in... Oh! Crap! Is this that different realm thing? Erm, what's it called again? Dungeon something? Or something dungeon?'

Fear, an immense amount of palpable fear so concentrated that it felt like you could carve out a serving with an ice-cream scoop. I felt this enormous amount of fear crashing over me like a wave, it was overwhelmingly obvious that this was the fear of death.


Dropping back down from the window sill in a rush, onto the wooden blocks then onto the floor, I panicked and glanced around the room looking for a weapon of some sort to defend myself with.

'Shit! Shit! Ojii-san's rattan chair? Too big. Wooden blocks? Too small. Pillows on the floor? Worse than useless. Shit! Weapon! I need a weapon to fight with.'

Glancing at the bookshelf, I spotted Rumi's previous favorite scroll. After receiving her new kung fu scroll, this particular scroll was stored up neatly together with a few children's books on this bookshelf.

'What are the chances its also a kung fu scroll? Argh no time, I hope that it's a kung fu scroll. If it isn't then there's always the knives in the kitchen.'

Rushing over towards the bookshelves, I saw a rabbit jump in through the open window. Grabbing the scroll, I hurriedly ran towards the sliding door as I heard more 'whump' sounds from the direction of the window. Guessing that those were probably more rabbits landing inside the room, I didn't bother looking back and opened the sliding door, rushing outside before slamming the sliding door shut while running in the direction of the dining area.

'Those paper doors aren't going to hold those rabbits for very long. Faster! Need to get to those knives, and they're probably high up on the kitchen counter too so I'll need to do some climbing.'

Running as fast as my little legs could manage, not caring about how much noise my footsteps were making, I ran through the dining area towards the kitchen. Deciding that some obstacles were better than nothing, as I ran past my baby chair, I pushed it over. Or at least tried to push it over.

'Why the hell is this thing so sturdy? Oh right, baby chair. Also, I'm baby height and don't have the necessary leverage. Shit! No time! Kitchen! Knives!'

Heading towards the kitchen counter, I tucked the scroll safely into the front of my diaper and thought about the fastest way to climb. Open the drawers then use them as a makeshift stairway? Use the drawer handles as rock climbing holds? Push that small stool over here then use it to jump up and pull myself up onto the counter?

'Makeshift stairs! Also, easier to get back down! Go! GO! GO!! GO GENJI! DON'T DIE AGAIN!'

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