Chapter 13

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~~ The Next Day ~~

'I wonder whether Tou-san and Kaa-san have decided on the hippo shirt yet', I thought to myself while my eyes were still closed.

|[ You have slept in a bed for 11 hours. All HP and CP restored. ]|

'Oh right, I leveled up yesterday, should allocate my stats. Status!'

Name: Amano Genji

Level: 14

Title: Best Brother Ever (1)

HP: 272

CP: 464

STR: 16 (+1)

AGI: 16

VIT: 16

INT: 29

WIS: 29

Points: 5

Experience: 27.94% to next level

'Hmm? The (1) symbol is back? Am I the heir again? Gamer System, what's the other title?'

|[ Title: Apprentice Beast Slayer. You have been awarded this title due to having killed 3,000 creatures. +20% bonus EXP from killing creatures. ]|

'Oh, nice. Alright, now where do I assign my stats to? Yesterday's battle showed me just how far behind my family I am. My main asset right now is the Assisted Combat System, so I guess I should build on that. Let's put 2 stats into Intelligence, 2 stats into Wisdom and the last one into Strength.'

Name: Amano Genji

Level: 14

Title: Best Brother Ever (1)

HP: 288

CP: 496

STR: 17 (+1)

AGI: 16

VIT: 16

INT: 31

WIS: 31

Points: 0

Experience: 27.94% to next level

'Hmm? My HP seems to have gone up from just that one extra stat in Strength. Nice! I thought only Vitality affected my HP. Oh no, that means I'll drop some HP when I switch my titles. Aww man. Oh well.'

Opening my eyes, I noticed that I had awaken in the playroom. Looking around, I saw an unfamiliar sight: all six of my sisters were present in the room.

'What's going on? Why are they here? Aren't they usually in their rooms at this time?'

"Oh look, Genji-kun is awake!" Sakamae said.

"GENJI-KUN!" Kiyoko shouted from the floor to my right.

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