Chapter 16

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This wasn't an anime, a manga or some kind of fictional world. This world was as real as it got and proof of that was lying right there in the hallway in the form of Ojii-san's personal butler. That wasn't animated blood, rabbit blood or wolf blood dripping out of his throat, that was actual human blood pooling on the floor below his body.

Three rough-looking men currently stood in doorway to the playroom. A few moments before the sliding door had been forcefully thrown open, Kaa-san had mentioned that they were bandits. To my knowledge, bandits were basically pirates that operated on land.

Back on earth, the concept of a pirate had been thoroughly Disneyfied with rides and movies, embellished with likeable characters exhibiting witty humor while others sang and danced to catchy tunes. There was even a really popular anime about pirates called One Piece.

However, reality was starkly different. A pirate was a terrible excuse for a human being who robbed their way to short-lived riches, having no compunctions about torturing or raping their victims before killing them. I assumed that bandits were not any better.

The three criminals before me did not have metal hooks for hands or wooden pegs for legs, they instead wielded curved daggers and a bloodied meat cleaver, the one in the middle brandishing a short sword.

Two of the ruffians were currently looking at my practically defenseless Kaa-san and scared older sisters the way a glutton would look at food. The third thug had yet to look away from me and I did not particularly like the look in his creepy eyes, they reminded me of horny animals during mating season on Animal Planet.

'Ok, this is real. This isn't a Battle Dungeon and they aren't rabbits or wolves who want to kill you for no reason. They are bad people who kill for fun and will probably rape Kaa-san and my sisters either before or after they kill them. And I'm quite certain that this creepy bandit wants to do unspeakable things to my baby body, ugh. What do I do? Tou-san and my grandparents are probably already dead... shit! Shit! SHIT! OJII-SANNN!! NOOO!!!'

Imagining in graphic detail my Ojii-san being brutally murdered while he lay defenseless in bed with a broken arm, broken leg and cracked ribs while Kaori-obaasan pleaded for their lives to no avail before the bandits slit her throat; my mind blanked as sheer rage burst forth and overwrote all rational thoughts.

Kaa-san was currently saying something to the bandits but the words failed to register as my eyes developed tunnel vision and my pupils focused on the three bandits before me. My heart rate spiked to over a hundred and fifty beats per minute as my fight or flight instincts kicked in, adrenaline flooding my bloodstream from the adrenal glands above my kidneys.

Subconsciously knowing that fleeing wasn't an option, my mind went on autopilot as the sheer amount of unadulterated rage surging through me countermanded all the higher functions of my brain, shutting off critical thinking and reverting me into a rage monster.

When the nearest bandit stepped forward, his foot landing inside the threshold of the playroom, my mind somehow took that as the cue to begin my rampage. A popup box appeared before my eyes but I didn't even notice it as my body seemingly dashed forward on its own accord.

The world around me blurred by as my baby legs closed the gap with the bandits in record time. Drawing out Kaa-san's wakizashi as well as my tanto from their respective sheaths, I opened my mouth and let loose my fury in the form of a single word at the top of my lungs: "DIE!"

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