Yugi's POV

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Arrg, why, why is there no pictures of this Yami anywhere? From the articles I've looked up this is Yami Mitsugo’s first public appearance, so guess it makes sense that there aren’t any photos of him available. I sighed placing my phone next to me in defeat. Guess I won’t know what he looks like until after the conference. (Providing someone gets lucky in taking a photo.)  “Still googling that guy?” Emi asked leaning over the back of the sofa. I nodded. She sighed, tapping the back of my head with the hand. “Obsession will lead to depression.”

“Aren’t you the poet?” I mumbled sinking further into the sofa. I felt the weight of the sofa shift as she jumped over and sitting beside me. “I just needed to see for myself if it was him.”

“I hate to be the realistic one,” Emi sighed again, crossing her arms. “But he’s spirit was only laid to rest a few months ago. Kaiba, myself and Joey are direct reincarnations of our former selves whose spirits were already at rest. I think maybe we need to accept Atemu’s spirit won’t return to this world.”

As she spoke tears formed in my eyes. No! I don’t want her to be right. I stood up, looking down at her concerted face. “I feel like he’s here though,” I screamed, remembering back to the dreams. “I think he’s telling me he’s waiting for me. No, I know he’s sending me a message we’re going to be together again soon.” 

“If you keep thinking that way you won’t be able to move on,” Emi screamed back at me standing to meet my eye level. “You've achieved so much on your own these past few months. I’ve watched you go from a scared little boy to a mature young man who's learnt how to be independent. Why are you so desperate for the Pharaoh to come back anyway?”

Why? She seriously can’t tell? I bit my lip as the tears ran faster down my face. “Because I love him,” I cried, barely over a whisper. The air fell silent between us, neither of us daring to speak. I clenched my fists and shoved her out the way using my shoulder. “You wouldn't understand.”
I heard her call out for me as I slammed my bedroom door. I couldn’t even make it to the bed as I feel to the floor with my back against the door. There was a repeatable knocking from the other side a couple moments later. “Yugi,” Emi whined. “Open up.” I ignored her, brining my knees up to my face to hid. “Please big brother. How can I understand if you don’t talk about it? Please big brother.” From her voice I could tell she was crying. “I leave tomorrow morning; I don’t want to leave for two weeks on a bad note. Please just talk to me.”  Another silence fell between us. She wouldn’t understand. She couldn’t. She's never been on a date let alone fallen in love.  “Well...” She sighed. “If you don’t want to talk to me fine but if you need me while I'm gone just e-mail me.”

Just leave me alone! I want Atemu. I just, I just want the person I love.

--Three days later---

It’s been three days since Emi and Joey left for America with Kaiba. If I remember correctly today is the first day of the conference, though it’s not like I’ve heard from anyone to confirm this. Joey is probably busy being all loved up with Kaiba while Emi is busy running around doing errands. Everyone's too busy in their personal lives to even worry about me. I grabbed the T.V remote, turning onto some cartoons while I carried on with my pre-assigned work form the university. Though we’ve not started some tasks have been set for us to complete to the teacher can get an understanding as to what everyone’s abilities are.

As I continued to type away in the fields of the webpage a notification popped up on the bottom of my screen. An email? It was Joey’s icon, maybe he’s bored with Kaiba doing his work duties. I clicked open the email and my eyes widened. It was a photo of two people, one with slick black hair and the other, well it looked just like, “Atemu?” Is that Yami Mitsugi? It has to be right? It’s him.

I felt tears of joy fill up my face. It’s really him.

He’s back.

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