Yami's POV

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I stared at the beautiful creature that was knelt before me. A slave with hair identical to mine but skin white like milk. This slave is truly something that does not deserve to be in tatters. “My great Pharaoh, on this the day of your coronation,” the tradesman spoke. “May I present to you my most exotic of slaves.” I stood up from my throne and approached the young boy. “I assure you my Pharaoh, the boy is pure, untouched much like a delicate flower.”

“What is your name, little one?”


“It’s time to get up you moron!” I woke up with a shock, my body flinging itself forward and making impact with the person who was above me. “Son of a bitch!” The person screamed. I rubbed my forehead and looked over to the side, seeing my long-time friend Raville beside the bed holding his nose. Whoops. He got up, his dark eyes scolding through to my soul. “I agreed to help you through your first business trip but I didn’t intend to be your babysitter!”

I started to laugh. I really messed up this time. We’ve been in California for a couple of days and today is the first day of the conference, though seems I've slept in by mistake. While my father is ill, I am the one who will be representing the company. My image was kept from the public as per my father’s wishes so I could lead some form of normal life but now that’s about to change. “I’m sorry Raville,” I stopped my laughter, getting up out of bed fully. Lucky for him I was wearing pants today. “How long before the conference starts?”

“You have one hour,” Raville replied coldly. “If you hurry, we can still make the breakfast meeting.”


Usually I enjoy breakfast but today, I'm surrounded by snobby, up their own butts, business people. I continued down the buffet, grabbing a few more items before going to the table Raville had saved for us. “That’s quite the haul,” He commented and I couldn’t help but grin. Usually I'm stuck with a premade breakfast and get little to no choice in what I have but today, I couldn’t care less. “Just don’t make yourself sick moron. It’ll be a busy day and I'm already bored of babysitting you!”

“Don’t worry,” I mumbled with a mouth full of food. “I’ll be fine. Promise.” My eyes darted around the room, looking to see if I could recognise anyone. Coming through the door with a brunette with golden bangs behind him was Seto Kaiba. I’m sure father was trying to make a deal with him? “Who's the girl with Kaiba?” I asked taking another bite of food.

Raville groaned, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “You’re a huge duel fan and don’t recognise Emi Motou?” He sighed, pulling out his phone. I would know but I've been a bit isolated from recent tournaments. Someone thought I was wasting my time on trivial things, that someone being my private tutor. He showed me the picture of the girl and the boy who stood next to her! My eyes widened. No way, that’s the boy from my dreams! “Her brother Yugi, is the current duel champion, his sister Emi is quite the duellist as well. A finalist in many tournaments and Yugi is undefeated from what I've heard.”

“That’s the guy,” I jumped up grabbing the phone, zooming in on ‘Yugi’. What a beautiful name? “Wow, he’s real. And I thought I was going nuts.”

“You are,” Raville snapped. “Sit down you loon!”

I ignored him, running over to Kaiba and the girl who I now know as Emi. “Excuse me,” I waved getting their attention. The pair looked at me, their faces turning white. Am I that odd looking? “Um, you’re Yugi’s sister, right? Is he here with you by any chance?”

She just continued to stare at me, looking like she was going to open her mouth but not words were escaping. Until she finally said something, “Atemu? Oh my Ra.”

“What the hell?” Kaiba exclaimed. “Is this a joke?”

“What?” I looked back and forth at them. Who’s Atemu? I jumped as I felt a hand on my shoulder. Raville? Why’s he getting in my way? “What the-”

“I apologise for my friend Yami here,” He bowed. “Please excuse us.”

I moaned as he dragged me away from the room by my collar. I have more questions now than when I first saw them?

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