the beginning pt 1

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harry's p.o.v

Eight year.
Battle of Hogwarts.
It's been a rough couple of months.
We went to Fred's funeral.
And Lupin and Tonks's.
And maybe eight more or so.
Hermoine and Ron went on a vacation.
They asked if I wanted to come but i declined.

I went to live with the Weasleys.
Ginny and I broke up. That sure was awkward.
She wasn't ' the one ' as they say.
I'm on platform 9 3\4 with Ginny and i don't see many familiar faces.
People are looking at me.

I don't blame them.
I've been on the cover of the Profet almost every day.
Even after 3 months they still think i'm some sort of hero.
While i'm actually the reason all those people died.
I see Luna and she waves, I wave back.
'Hey Harry!' someone yells.
I turn around, those are two familiar faces.
Ron and Hermoine.

I run to them and embrace them.
'How was Bill?' I ask.
'That's the first thing you ask? How is Bill? Not 'how are you' or something,' Ron says with a smile on his face.
'Okay let me rephrase that, how are you guys,' I say mocking Ron.
He slaps my arm and we laugh.

We get on the train and try to find a cabin.
I see the kids on the platform looking somewhere but I choose to ignore it.
When we finally find a cabin, we sit down and order some candy.
Ron is telling me about a little dragon they found in the woods, when someone walks past our cabin.
My eyes grow wide.
The one person i didn't expect to come back to Hogwarts. Draco Malfoy.
This year is going to be fun
I think.

my second story
i finished this a week ago
so i hope you like it
there are 21 part with approximately 250 to 300 words
i know the chapters are short bit it's hard to weite when you are supposed to listen to your teacher
well i hope you like it leave a comment
love you all❤️
miss geeky

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