he changed

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draco's p.o.v.

Being  nice really has its perks .
I'm talking to the boy I envied for almost 8 years.
I like it, he's nice.
He told me about his night terrors.
The people that got killed in the war telling him it's his fault.
I can't imagine what it must feel like.

I told him about mom.
About her drinking problem.
About how she wanted me to go back to hogwarts for my future.
He agrees with her, about the whole Hogwarts thing, not the drinking.
He says that all bad things need to happen so you'll feel extra happy when the good things happen.
I couldn't agree more with him.
After a few hours on the train it finally comes to a stop.

We get out as one if the last people.
We're still talking when we hear someone cough.
We turn around and see Ron, Hermoine, Pansy and Blaise standing.
Pansy pulls my arm and says, 'come on Draco, dinner is starting.'
I look back at Harry and he looks confused.

harry's p.o.v.

We get to dinner and Draco sits a few benches away from us.
'Why are you talking to him,' Ron says harshly.
'why would you care,' I say playing with my food.
'Because i don't want you to get killed,' he says.
'He isn't like that anymore,' I say.
'How do you know that?' he says.
'We talked on the train and he really changed,' I say.

'You're blinden, Potter, he didn't change a bit,' he says.
'His friends killed my brother,' he says softly.
I swallow.
I don't want to do this to him. He isn't stable.
Fred's dead made something snap in Ron, and i don't want to push it.
But what he doesn't know won't hurt him, right?
I just don't want Draco to go down again.
He just needs a stable friend.

sorry i didn't post much today
i didn't have much time
i don't know if i'm posting tommorow 'cause i'm going to visit my baby nefew
i hope you like it so far
love you all❤️
miss geeky
ps the drawing is made by aldo tallieu

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