those two hate each other

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ron's p.o.v.

he just walked out.
just like that, nothing.
he told us nothing.
not like we wanted him to spill his deepest darkest secrets.
only where he goes all the time.
but maybe that is his deepest darkest secret.
'unbelievable, he just walked out.
and he didn't answer.' hermoine says.

'maybe we should just give up.'
she says.
'what no!' i say.
'what if we find something we don't like and that's why harry has been keeping it a secret.' she says.
'and what would we find then.'
i ask her crossing my arms.

'remember what blaise said, about malfoy dissapearing to, maybe-' ' no absolutly not, those two hate each others guts.' i cut her of.
'but what if they don't and they are scared to tell us.' she says.
this can't be, can it?


it's almost 12 pm and harry still isn't back.
i'm really getting worried right now.
what if something happened to him.
i get up and go to the common room.
hermoine is still reading a book.
' hermoine harry still isn't in bed.
where could he be?' i ask.
'we need to go tell Mcgonagall.'
she grabs my hand and drags me to Mcgonagalls office.

when we arrive we run into blaise and pansy.
'what are you guys doing here.'
i ask.
'same thing as you i guess, draco isn't in bed.' she says.
'and he's not in the hospital wing eather.' blaise says.
we knock on Mcgonagalls door and she opens.

'what is going on it's almost 12 pm?'
she says.
'harry is gone.' i say.
'so is draco.' pansy says quick.
she doesn't seem fazed at all.
'okay young ones go back to bed i'll handel this.' she says.
we don't want to argue with her 'cause it's Mcgonagall .
so we go back to our dorms and try to sleep.

*timeskip cause i'm lazy*

we are eating breakfast when malfoy walks in.
i look behind him and no harry unfortunately.
after 5 minutes harry walks in.
'man where were you we were so worried?' i say.
'i went to the library and fell asleep no big deal.' he says.
for the entire breakfast he doesn't says anything.

when the letters arrive we don't get anything.
as per usual.
but it seems like malfoy did get one.
i see him reading a letter and the further he reads the pailer he goes.
when he's done reading the letter he gets up and stormes out.
'what's his problem?' i ask.
harry watches malfoy run out of the great hall and to my surprise he gets up and runs after him.
what in merlins name is going on?

hello people
i'm keeping it exiting
in in the next chapter you'll find out what was in the letter i promise
im going on vacantion today bit i'll try to post
i don't know if i'll be able to but i'll try
love you all❤️
miss geeky

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