what is he doing

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ron's p.o.v.

for the past few days harry has been dissapearing out of nowhere and i want to know where he goes.
it's hard enough that he doesn't trust me anymore but i wouldn't forgive myself if anything happend to him and i could've done something.
i've gathered all the 8th year houses,
even the slytherins, to see if maybe someone knows something.

'so as you all know , harry has been dissapearing regularly for the past few days. i want to know if one of you may know something.' i say.
blaise puts his hand up and says
'malfoy has been dissapearing to, he says he goes to the library but pansy went to look and he wasn't there.'
before i can say anything else the floor trembles beneet our feet and we see fire.

we run to the centerline and we see black clouds of smoke flying in the air.
death eaters.
i thought they locked them up in azkaban.
apparently they escaped.
they start fiering spels and we fight back.
it's like a reconstruction of the battle
of hogwarts.
but no dead people, at least that's what i think.

then to people run into the centerline.
harry and malfoy.
what in merlin are they doing together.
'you didn't think we would leave you alone , now did you.' bellatrix says to malfoy.
draco looks at someone behind bellatrix and goed pale.
'father?' he says timid.

'ah draco didn't i teach you better, no hanging around with the enemy'
he says in a dissapointed face.
'avada kedavra!' he shoots at harry but misses.
'alarte ascendare.' harry yells.
lucius flys up in the air and draco and harry start to run.
hand in hand.
i don't understand any of this shit.

sorry this is a shitty chapter
but i'm writing this on the bus and i was bored
hope you like it
love you all❤️
miss geeky

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