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(Side note before we begin I remember something from the last part that I wanted to say: I need several hours to think about what I want to say and formulate a script in my head. If I know what I'm going to say it's not as badly jumbled up.)

Now, I know y'all are probably thinking, "What the heck is NPD? I've never heard of that one before!"

And I bet you haven't. They don't teach it in school. At least, they didn't teach it in mine. If they had maybe I would have figured my crap out sooner...or maybe not. 🤷🏻

Anyway, NPD stands for Narcisstic Personality Disorder. And while this isn't a book specific to education and details, I'll break the basics down for ya.

✑ People with NPD suffer from extreme low self esteem

✑ Their growth as a child was hindered and therefore they often throw childish tantrums

✑ People with NPD have low empathy and compassion for others

✑ They have a deluted sense of self importance.

For more details, you can see our upcoming education book All About: NPD

Now, as far as I know I don't have NPD myself. However, I'm pretty sure that both my mom and grandmother have it.

Growing, I'd always here things like, "You're very ungrateful." Or "I do so much for you kids, but don't get anything in return." And especially "I have to get up at five am to go to work...unlike some."

I have been gas lighted at least two times in my life that I can think of off hand. I have been grabbed and shaken, had stuff violently thrown at me, screamed at, and if memory serves correctly possibly even punched. All by my mother.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying my mom is a terrible awful beastly person. I'm not trying to shame her and be all like, "omg guys I'm such an abused precious flower protc me 😖😖"

My mom was absolutely splendid when she wasn't doing those things. She was one of the first people to support my writing. She can give out some pretty sound advice when I'm struggling with life.

And I'm not trying to discredit my experiences either. I mean... In the words of Cheryl Blossom, "It was abuse. Plain and simple."

Besides, this is account is about mental health issues, and yes personality disorders count as mental health issues.

So, under this category I will be sharing my experience with living and growing up with someone who has NPD. I'll share in depth stories about some of the times my mother blew up at me.

Some less than adaquete exchanges with my grandmother. What it's like being in a room with two narcs. How I found out about it and how I'm dealing/coping with it now.

I hope you'll find this informative and maybe even relatable. Feel free to share your stories in the comments if you feel comfortable doing so. Or just comment any thoughts you might have if you want. I don't bite. Promise.

My story: ElsieWhere stories live. Discover now