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(I think it'll be easiest to set up the categories and stuff first before I start talking. I mean easier emotionally anyways. I still have no idea what to say because I have to script everything out before --)

Anyway. Under this category I'll be talking about my experience with social anxiety and selective mutism.

Again, this isn't a book specific to education, but I'll break the two things down for you briefly.

✑ Selective Mutism (SM) is a disorder that causes speaking in uncomfortable situations to be very difficult or impossible for the individual

✑ Selective Mutism is not someone being difficult. Individuals with SM do not choose to be silent or refuse to speak. This is something they cannot control.

✑ Social anxiety according to google is "A chronic mental health condition in which social interactions cause irrational anxiety."

✑ These two things are seperate entities. However, they can go hand in hand. (In my case they tend to cover lap, hence why they are on the same category in this book.)

I have been living with both of these for as long as I can remember. Pretty much my entire life. I have not officially been diagnosed, nor have I ever been treated for either of them thus resulting in both only increasing.

Make no mistake. I'm not refusing treatment to be a prune or anything. It's just that no one ever knew it was these things I think, and I have never had enough money or resources or anything to get treatment; and in addition my parents tend to think most mental illnesses are a hoax.

I fully intend to get treated once I am able and find a good doctor for it. 

Any way, let's get into it, shall we?

My story: ElsieUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum