Chapter 1: The Breakup

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My name is Liles Francesca Demetrise. I come from a small town in Alabama. A couple days ago my mom announced that me and my brothers, Terrance and Juvou, were going to be moving to a new home in Maryland called Barsonville. Now usually I would be excited about moving to a new city or state, sometimes I'd even get excited over the thought of moving countires, any way to get away from the horrible town we lived in. But this time was different. I had heard about Barsonville before. A friend of mine moved there over the summer for vacation but when he came back he told me that Barsonville was such a horrible place. I can't exactly remember everything he had said, but I did remember one thing, Barsonville was very anti-gay. That was a problem for me since I had came out gay last year.

"Do we have to move to Barsonville? It's just... so anti-gay and you know..." I stated, looking very unsure about this move.

"It's for the best. I need a job and this was the best hair salon job I could find. Besides, your in eleventh grade, soon you will have a car and you'll be driving straight out of that city after you graduate high school,"

My mom was very keen about the jobs she took. She only wanted something in her field. And in this case it was hair styling. I glanced over at my brothers and even they didn't like the idea of moving to Barsonville.

Later that day, after I finished packing my stuff I called up my friend Andy and asked him to hang out.

"Yea I can hang out but I gotta be home by two. My girlfriends coming over for our date this afternoon. We're heading out to the movies."

"What movie are you two seeing?"

"I don't know. Something classic. Maybe even a chick flick. Man I wish I could get out of that. Speaking of girlfriends how are you going to break the news to Kathy about you moving? It's been two days since you found out and you're gonna be leaving in a few days from now."

"I'm not sure yet. I wish I could just text her but then I would just get shit about it. Besides I've got plenty of time, and she'll understand why I was so late on telling her."

Just then my mom came knocking on the door.

"Gotta go Andy, I'll see ya when you get here," I hung up the phone and opened the door.

"Kathy is at the door,"


"Oh uh Liles, I think it's time to sit Kathy down and tell her. And if you don't do it I will and I don't think either of you will like that,"

My mom had a point. Neither me nor Kathy will enjoy my mom breaking the news... I'll be majorly embarrassed and Kathy will think I'm a chicken for getting my mommy to do it for me.

I marched downstairs to see Kathy happpily sitting on the couch. I immidiatly ran into the kitchen to get some water and apples for us. We both love apple slices so I usually buy them in slices at the store. I walked into the living room, sat the food trays on the table, sat down, and looked at Kathy with tearsnin my eyes. I had never broken up with someone before and I never wanted to. But this was especially hard because I still loved her and she loved me. But I knew what I had to do and I knew it had to be done sooner or later.

"Everything okay Liles?"

"No. Nothing is okay. Nothings alright or ever will be again," I was shaking now.

"Eh? What's wrong Liles? Whatever it is I'm sure we can fix it," Kathy tried to comfort me but no matter what she did I was still crying.

"I...we need to break up," I started crying more and couldn't even finish my sentance.

"Why? I thought everything was going smoothly, I thou-"

"Kathy I'm moving states. I'm moving to Barsonville, Maryland. I wish I wasn't and I promise you I still love you, but that's just how it is," I could see Kathy now shaking and trying to hold back the tears. She nodded her head signifying she understood. Minutes passed and all we did was sat quietly eating our apple slices until finally the silence broke when the doorbell rang. Kathy opened the door for where she took Andy's place at the door. He entered. She left.

"So it's over," Andy said taking my hand.

"Yea, it's over"

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