Chapter 2: The New Girl

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Finally, the moment we arrived in Barsonville. Behind it's beautiful city exterior is an interior full of weird traditions and hatred for the gays. I do have to admit it isn't exactly what I was expecting. Much better actually. We drove down the street until we reached our new house. Appearently there was word on the street about us becuase lots of our new neighbours were on our front lawn, mowing the grass, raking the leaves, even sweeping the porch for us. The kind folk of this street did alot for us that first week we moved in. As we got out of the car we were greeted by out neighbours. Mr and Mrs Tevaris and their two year olds Niki and Layla. Mr. Spearow and his daughter Armera. We had other neighbours but there was so much going on I couldn't keep track. But as I glanced across the street I saw a young girl, looked 'bout the same age as me, looking over. She looked like she desperately wanted to come over and say hello.

I asked the neighbours about her..

"Oh you don't wanna be wound up with that!"

"Best if y'all stay way way away from 'er!"

Nothing good came out of that question! I wanted to go over and talk to her but I didn't want the neighbours hating my parents for allowing me to. So I devised a plan. While my mom was busy with the neighbours I slipped outside, when she asked where I was off to I just said I wanted to go explore the city a bit and that if I got into any trouble I would call or text her. Truth was, I wasn't exploring. I was heading across the street to talk to the girl.

I ran over and saw her playing in her backyard.

"Hey there!"

"Oh hi, didn't the neighbours tell you not to come over here?" Obviously the neighbours were really loud if she could here 'em.

"Yea but I'm not one to listen to neighbours about who I should and shouldn't talk to. So why is it bad if I hang around you?" I was guessing she was one of the very rare gay people in this city but I didn't want to jump to conclusions, especially if she wasn't. That would end in a really big mess.

"Well this town is pretty anti-gay... If you know what I mean,"

Yea I knew what she meant. I was about to ask her name when my phone rang. I put my finger up to my mouth signaling for her to be quiet. It was my mom calling.

"Yo?" Yea my signature phone answer...yo.

"Mr and Mrs Tevaris wanted to know if you needed a job, I told them about how well of a babysitter you were and they said they would be willing to pay you five dollars an hour to babysit Niki and Layla when they go away on vacations and business trips. Do you want to do it?"

"Make it ten bucks an hour and we got a deal," I quickly hung up after that. I don't know why I did that. It was the first time I've ever hung up on someone like that.

"Sorry about that. Hey I'm Liles, what's your name?"

"Cherise. My names Cherise,"

"So Cherise wanna get some ice cream later?"

"Sorry I can't my mom doesn't like me going out on my own without her,"

"Understandable with the way this town is. How about I go get us ice cream and bring it back to your place?"

"Sure great idea. Well I guess I'll see you when you get back,"

I got on my bike and started heading to the town when I relised I have no idea where I'm going. I quickly got out my Phone and used the gps app to guide me. Soon after getting lost about four or five times I got out my money and went to the cash to order the ice cream. I grabbed the two cones, quickly slammed the money on the cash and zoomed out of the parlour. I zoomed back to Cherise's house and knocked on the door. Of course Cherise was not the one to answer. It was her mother.

"Hello, who are you?"

"I'm Liles and I am here to see Cherise. I just got back from the parlour with some ice cream and even if you don't want me to come in I would at least like this to reach Cherise before it melts. I will understand because of the circumstances that this city is very anti-gay if you don't want me inside." What? Why was I talking like this rambling on and on about how I wanted to see Cherise. I felt something I'd never felt before, not even with Kathy. I didn't know what it was so from that point on I tried to ignote it.

"Sweetheart don't worry. Come on in,"   "CHERISE!" Her mother yelled up the stairs. Just then she came zooming down the stairs and the second she saw me she dragged me upstairs.

"Welcome to the neighbourhood!"

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