Chapter 6: A letter from a friend

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After my mom left me I fell into some hard times. My life started getting hard. Cherise's mother was kind enough to help me out but I felt like I was cheating her. I was on my own now and I had nothing left. What am I going to do now? Well right now I want some food and all I have in the house is leftover cake, some crac-. Wait, where did the cake come from? Maybe it was a gift from the neighbours but it's probably really old now. There's a card ontop. What's it say...

"This is just a small treat to help you get through till the end. We will be helping you all the way. Sincerely,Veronica and Cherise."

Okay so it isn't old. But how do they know I'm not alergic to anything in the cake? Maybe I was and would have to throw it out. Also how would they know if I even liked the flavour they gave me? They're lucky I love strawberry cake. I picked up the slice of cake. Should I eat it? If I don't then It'll go bad and Cherise and her mother might think of me rude. But if I eat it now they might think I'm a slob. Wait, since when do I care what they think? I'm eatin' it! As I sat down to eat the cake my doorbell rang. I took a quick glance out the window to see who it was. I didn't recognize her. She had short blonde hair and wearing a leather jacket, jeans, and from what I could tell combat boots. I was afraid to answer the door for anyone I didn't know. In her hand I saw a little envalope. Why couldn't she put it the mailbox. Just then she turned and spotted me. I ducked as quickly as I could and she came and knocked on the window.

"WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO LEAVE IT IN THE MAILBOX?" I could tell she was yelling but even then it was muffled out a bit. I nodded my head yes and she gave me an okay sign. She sprinted to the mailbox then dashed away leaving the envalope for me. At first I thought she'd come here by accident looking for someone else but that was obviously not the case after she spotted me. I waited making sure she was for sure gone until I went out to the mailbox. I brought it inside and looked at the front.

"Adressed to Liles Francesca Demetrise"

Weird how someone I don't know, knows my full name. What is this a prank? I opened the envalope to find a little birthday card. It isn't my birthday. Infact my birthday already passed in the spring. I opened it up to find it wasn't infact for a birthday, but an invitation. But for what?

"Dear Liles, We are the board of the foriegn language club here in Barsonville, Maryland. We are sorry this is not a formal letter but our power went out and we could not type it out. But we are here to ask you if you would like to join the club. You have been referred by Cherise, a member of our club. We hope you will join us. For more information you can call us at 1-313-458-9271."

An invitation to a foriegn language club. Seems a bit odd how I would be referred. I don't even know any languages. Oh well. I was invited, might as well call and ask about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2014 ⏰

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