Chapter 3: Making Friends

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Darkness covored me and I saw a light. It was an outline of a human girl. Soon the light faded away leaving the girl. It was Kathy. We were standing infront of the school and it started raining like in every love story during the first kiss. We leaned in both preparing for an enchanting kiss. *BEEP BEEP BEEP* ? *BEEP BEEP BEEP* I woke up to find that it was all a dream. I still missed Kathy with all my heart and knew I could never forget her. But somehow I didnt feel a bit of sadness. All I felt was emptyness. It was strange becuase for the entire time I couldn't tell her I shed tears at the thought of telling her. Then afterwards I was devistated. But that feeling I had when I met Cherise just took over that sadness. But I still had that emptyness I could never get rid of. I pulled myself out of bed and heavily dragged myself downstairs to get some breakfast. Even though it was summer it was quite cold early morning. I came downstairs to find a note on the fridge door, seems like I'm quite predictable if my mom knew the first place I'd go is the kitchen. The note read

"Liles, I started work today and I won't be off until two this afternoon. It'll be like this for the rest of the year. It might change up in the next couple years but i'm not sure about how it will change. Listen if you need anything my work number is attached to the computer. It would be really nice if you could start unpacking as well. And help out your brothers too. Love you ~Mom"

Great. Unpacking. Yea because that's so fun. Just as I was making random sarcastic remarks in my head, my phone rang. It was Kathy. What do I do? I don't want to talk to her but I also miss her alot and WANT to talk to her....this is hard. I had no time to make up my mind. I answered the phone.

"Hello?" I was so confused and I felt so awkward about talking to her I forgot who I was for a moment.

"Liles listen I just called to tell you even though we are over a million miles away I still want us to be friends and I don't want it to be awkward between us. Listen I have to go because I need to do chores but I wanted to have a chance to tell you with my voice. Move on no matter how hard it is. Just...move on. *beeeeep*--------" The phone line went dead as the sound of the phone hanging up went on. Move on? How could I possibly move on?! She was the love of my life and I will never get to see her again! How could I possibly move on! Then I remembered something. Last night before heading home. Cherise asked me to meet her for breakfast at ten. Nine fifty-five. Man I need to go! I quickly ran upstairs, got dressed, and brushed my teeth. If only I was a guy then getting dressed would be quick. By the time I left it was already ten o five. I ran across the street and knocked on the door hoping that she had not forgotten either.

The door swung open. Cherise stood in the doorway waving for me to enter.

"Sorry I'm late I kinda forgot. You can understand though right? Early morning, kinda gets you all dissoriented," For some reason I was worried about presentation. Something was weird about me now. Maybe the city started to change me.

"No worries. I honostly woke up only a few minutes ago. Well nice to see you again Liles. Listen the real reason I asked you to come over is because I want us to be friends. I never really have had friends. And you are very special be uase you actually, or atleast I hope you do, like me," Cherise seemed very calm. Then looking at myself I was a grade A fool. I did like Cherise and wanted to be her friend but I was so nervous for some odd reason.

"Well to be friends we should learn more about each other and I hope you are okay with getting personal here.

Again grade A fool me started to kick in. She. Wanted. To...okay slow down there Liles. See what I mean? I couldn't keep it together. I started shaking and it was like I was a set of bowling pins getting knocked down by a bowling ball. What had gotten into me?

"Okay I guess I'll start. I'm 17. How about you?"

"Uhh 1...I MEAN 17!" Smooth Liles...real smooth.r

"Hehe, maybe we should do this when you're...more awake."

"Yea more awake," Yes that was it. I was just tired from all the tension from moving. The rest of the morning we sat and ate then I started heading home to unpack and help out my brothers. And the rest of the day was boring.

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