The half of ( half date)

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*Ariana's pov*

Harry seemed quite then usual..I mean the way he acts in school like fighting ..bunking classes, smoking, drinking ..and he was also a party boy . 

Whenever there is a party in the town ....harry is always present....many people say that harry has girls in his bed every day...and he is also a womanizer...but I think that it's not true..


Finally we arrived at the cafe ...we both sat on a corner table ..gave our order.. .and then again both of us was not saying anything...
I decided to break the silence ...but what I said ..I felt regret..
So is this suppose to be a date? I said simply..
He looked and me and but do you want it to be a date?
I wanted to say yes but I thought patience araiana patience ..

I said no...just a fool...then he said.. tell me about you have any siblings?he said softly..
Umm yea a little sister
What about your family..?he looked annoyed and angry but sad at the same time..then " I dont have a family..dont talk about it"  he said harshly
So I didn't have the guts to ask him about why he hates his family..I guess he had a bad history...with his family..

Then finally our food came ..while eating harry said..have been in a relationship before?
I said fucking no..😂
He said then I guess you are still a virgin...
I said yea giggling a bit..  after we finished eating ..he paid but I tried  to stop him but he wont budge... after we stepped outside....wanna have real fun?
He said excitedly..
I said where do you want to go ?
Then he got a blindfold from the car and said to wear first I was scared but I wanted to know where he wanted to go I agreed and hopped in the was weird cause he did not say anything and I was blindfolded ....after some time he stopped and opened the door for me ...he held my hand to led me..after sometime all I could hear was full sound music and music

Finally harry removed my blindfold and I was in a shock yea literally was one of the wildest party of the adult party..yea...
I said I wanted to leave as I did not know anyone here..but harry said ..hey dont be crazy stay and enjoy the party..okay?

Fine I said annoyed a little bit..
Come let me introduce you with my friends...
Then he led me to a table ...there was 4 boys I knew them cause I have seen them thousands times with harry in school...or should I say they the bad boys group of our school....

Hey boys ! I want you to meet my friend ariana he said loudly ....
Ariana meet niall louie Liam and zayn....
Hello guys ....I am ariana nice to meet you..
Hi ariana I am niall ...glad to meet you too..
Everyone said hi then I saw how 5 of them where drinking and joking....

Harry was dancing with bunch of girls and I was vvvv jelouse honestly...

After harry came to get a drink he whispered in my ears-

I just rolled my eyes...
After the party harry drives me home and I said bye...but he held my hand and looked into my eyes ..I knew he was drunked so after sometime his lips forced into mine and he actually kissed me ..omg

Ofcourse I didn't kiss him back...
Then he said goodbye...


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