Chapter 1

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If you have not read Captain Underpants and the Deadly Squid Attacks, go read that first, because this is part 2 of that story. And you won't even know what's going on!

This is George, Harold, New George, and New Harold. I don't have time to say what their identity is or what side they're on. You were left on such a big cliffhanger that you just want to get straight to the story! But I can tell you that they atomized Squiddy into nothingness. So, Micheal, que the story! Just kidding, there's nobody here named Michael. So, let's go for REAL.

The four brave heroes of Piqua march to find octo "Wow," Harold said "Squiddy did all of that and the people still chose to rebuild instead of move! I'm impressed, I would've moved." New Harold nodded "I could've used my powers, and it'd build itself! Literally!" and that's what he did. He used his powers to rebuild it in less than 7 seconds. Everyone was confused, but they still cheered. New George laughed "A true warrior NEVER uses the short-cut, we face it, and win. Either that or die trying!" He chuckled again, the other three shook their heads and laughed, they kept walking until they came across something, something HUGE...

"Its, the remnants of Captain Mecha-Pants ™, Squiddy was smart and bypassed the shield..." New George said, "Wonder where the opposites are, actually?" Harold asked. Meanwhile at the secret, Octo base, someone was giving out strict, and specific orders to Octo, but from elsewhere. "Yes, YES!!" Octo yelled in frustration "Good, then it's time for phase four, the one your pathetic brother never got-to.." Captain Blunderpants growled "He always seemed to disappoint me..." said Evil George

"He failed most missions." Evil Harold growled in disappointment. "Well, at least he got TO PHASE THREE!!!" Octo yelled "Shut up! Or you'll be fired, and I'll strip away your powers. After all... that's the only reason why your winning in the first place." Captain Blunderpants hung up the phone and left "AAAAAAHHH!!!" Squiddy-- I mean Octo yelled in anger, sorry, still used to Squiddy. When suddenly, the most plot-twisting, the most moment in all of the book, The next chapter. Just Kidding. A few people are making a return. And it is......


"Tra-La-Laaaaaaa!!" Captain Underpants sang triumphantly as he flew by with the rest. "I forgot my catchphrase!" said Sargent Boxers. "And I like it!" "The ToiletTastics!" said New Harold. "The most forgettable characters of the series that I forgot about them!" "I did too!" said New George. "That was extremely offensive." said Plungerina. When suddenly, Melvin came by. "I just want the credit and fame," Melvin thought. "No matter how embarrassing, you have to do this."  "Melvin?" asked George. "What are you doing?" asked Harold. "I am Boy Wunderpants!" said Mevin, idiotically. "The most powerful hero in all the universe!" Suddenly, New Harold opened a portal to a new dimension. Not his, but a dimension called, "The Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dimension". Melvin was sucked in, only to find Gregory Heffley and his crazy family.

"Well, That was weird." said New George. "Definitely." said Harold. "At least you got rid of him, New Harold." said George. When suddenly they forgot about the whole plot of this story.

"IT'S OCTO!" Screamed Harold. "ATAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCKKKKK!!!" called out New Harold. New George and New Harold jumped up, both screaming "YYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  and went to attack. Octo flinged them back, but they didn't stop. "Are you guys gonna fight or what?" said New Harold. "Let's go get the Captain Mecha-Pants!" said C.B. "It's right here," said E.G, pointing at it. "Oh," said C.B. "wait, didn't it break?" "I used my powers to rebuild it." said New Harold. "Oh, ok. But anyway, let's get in!" said C.B.   They got in, and started to fight. George got a broken crowbar and Harold got the remainders of a wooden baseball bat.  They started fighting too. It was a huge war. But we're gonna have to stop here. I can't say everything on part 1! Then it would just be one book!

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