Chapter 5

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George, a kid with flat-top, and the glorious tie. Harold is the one with the haircut as bad as any criminal, and a T-Shirt. New George, with a Tie, Flat-Top, and two dirty daggers. New Harold, has a haircut as bad as any celestial drawn with power, he as well, wears a T-Shirt. Remember that now. George was not there, and neither was Octo. and this really stunk because on Sunday June 2nd, 2019, May, was Dreamworks ® Captain underpants movie 2nd anniversary. So at least they lived to be there for it. Though the devastating attack from Thanos absolutely DECIMATED The Avenger ® - Resistance, having half the universe eliminated TWICE, they had to act, and act fast they did.

"It's good to be home," said Harold "Even if it smells like ashes and dust." again piqua was trying to rebuild, because last time, they ran due to an epic battle with Squiddy and Octo. but now, they had a chance to rebuild. Harold ran up to his mom this time. And told George's parents about what happened, that the same evil squid that fake George told his mom about was him the whole time. After that gushy moment was over, they left to take on Squiddy. "A good name would be... YES!!! My new name shall be, from now on I shall be known as! Killer Squid..." said Squiddy, who I shall from now on call Killer Squid. "Soo...." Said Captain Marvel "There's an evil Squid that has been pretending to be your friend the whole time, and his brother destroyed the Chitauri prison to see him, and he didn't care at all. That's cruel." New Harold over exaggeratingly nodded. "And to make things even worse," said New Harold "Octo was adopted, they weren't real bro's."

Once they arrived, they saw George tied to a chair. "Harold, Help!!" Harold took one of New George's daggers and cut him free, accidentally cutting his arm. But something wasn't right, the cut immediately healed itself in 3 seconds. "Woah..." said Harold "Squiddy was about to do a weapon test, so he made me temporarily invincible." George explained all the weapons he'd been the guinea pig on. And how when his skeleton was exposed, his skin grew back in 10 seconds each time. "IT'S KILLER SQUID NOW!!!!!!!" yelled killer squid. He'd painted his skin Terracotta with black stripes, to give him a more sinisterly look.

"Look, I know we've had our differences in the past, but now I want to join you guys," The boys were confused, they told Captain Marvel to leave. "Especially since Thanos called me a 'FAILURE', I want some revenge..." He smirked "Ok, but the second you backstab us, we'll leave you to Thanos." New Harold growled "And I know, you can't beat him." "THAT'S WHY I WANT TO JOIN YOU, DUM DUM!!" Killer Squid yelled. So the boys and Killer Squid left to the garden. "I want to apologize for all the pain I caused, to you I mean. Breaking your treehouse." Killer Squid apologized and was quiet for the rest of the trip. They arrived, found the cabin and went inside. Killer Squid grabbed hold of him, and New Harold held up fiery fists, and New George held up his daggers, and George and Harold did the classic Taekwondo pose (kicking stance) "Why... Do... You... keep, trying!" Said Thanos "BECAUSE YOU LITERALLY KILLED HALF OF THE UNIVERSE!!!!!" Yelled George. Before they could get the gauntlet off, the black order arrived "Father needs help." said Ebony Maw. with his powers, Maw levitated New George and New Harold and threw them outside. And were held hostage by the Chitauri army.

He used the Reality stone to turn Killer Squid to mush and shoved George and Harold to the side, and walked out of the cabin "I suggest you leave now." Thanos suggested "For the sake of your planet."

Killer Squid was turned back into a solid living creature, "He's right," Killer Squid admitted "We'll never beat him. We tried hard, and he shrugged us off." He was right, they took two of the strongest members of their team to SUPER-MEGA-ULTIMATE-MAXIMUM SECURITY PRISOOOOON!!!!! Basically, it removes all natural or juice related special abilities from the human body while in the prison. With that happening, Thanos had time to ready up the snap to kill the WHOLE universe except him and his army, and create a new life. Unless our heroes have anything to say about it. See what I did there? No? That's because I didn't do anything.

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