Chapter 6

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Meet George, He's the kid on the left with the ash. Meet Harold, also on the left with the ash. Meet New George and New Harold, they're the kids on the right with the ash. Remember that now. Last time we saw the four boys, they were turned to dust, along with the rest of the universe, I shall now explain why, after this. The universe was in the stage as bleak as any shade of gray, because Thanos accomplished his goal of snapping half the universe, and then the rest would go after he realized that the remainder of the snap could not be grateful as long as they knew what was.

    So he came to the conclusion to kill the universe, and create a 'grateful' one, afterwards. Speaking of which, it was happening as we speak, people all over the universe were fading into existence. "Who, am I? Do-do I have any purpose?" said Georgette, a new being of the universe "I don't know who you are, but you're my friend!" said Haroldina. "Wait, we're just from another universal-dimension, we need to like, stop Thanos noooooooow." said Georgette, so they head to the garden, and convinced him to make Georgette and Haroldina perish, and New Georgette and New Haroldina, in exchange for them, eventually, they were on Earth. "What happened, who are these people?!" Yelled New Harold "I-I don't know!" Yelled George "Wait," said Harold "We were brought back from the snap!" said Harold "But by who..." said George "I'm detecting a paranormal, space-time continuum contemporal glitch." said New Harold "Opposite-gender us' convinced him to bring us back in exchange for them." "Looks like the author really wanted us back for such a long book!" well obviously that's true "Now, we find Thanos and get our people back!" said George.

Again, they left to the garden to attempt to save the universe "THANOS!!!" yelled New Harold "I've seen all of the outcomes of this battle, and you lose!!! But I can't say the rest for plot reasons!!" Thanos turned around "Now, I suppose I have to do everything I can to oppose that statement." He turned around and picked up his sword "But how hard can that be." New Harold got MAD "AAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!" Yelled New Harold as he ran towards Thanos. His fist glew up into a fiery fist, and he leaped. Thanos raised his fist and punched him away, New George pulled out his sword and ran towards Thanos, who raised his sword. "I lost 'a' battle! But I shall not lose 'the' battle! AAAGH!" He clashed his sword against Thanos. He was slowly being pushed down on the floor "Help!" George punched Thanos in the face, barely doing anything and wasn't very effective either, he kicked New George away. George froze in fear, so Thanos walked beside him. Harold jumped on his back, but was slowly falling off. Thanos raised his sword above New Harold's sour body, and smashed it down.... "NOOOOOO!" Yelled New George as he ran towards New Harold's body. He sat on his knees and started crying "He was the only person close to me..." Thanos walked away, his time in the garden was over, he took action again.

    New Harold opened an eye "Is he gone?" he got up and smiled. New George was furious. "YOU.MADE.ME.CRY.IN FRONT.OF THE MOST POWERFUL MAN, TO EVER LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yelled New George "What are you, his fanboy?" New Harold joked. New George was even more furious, but he still kept his mouth shut. "Well, the good thing is you're safe, and that we weren't beaten up much." said New George. "We're not giving up even if I really die!!" said New Harold. "Oh, really?" said Thanos. He picked up some sand rocks. The ones you can crush in your hand. It's so satisfying. I recommend it. "These sand rocks are you guys," Thanos said. "And these ones are me and my gauntlet. I will snap," He crushed the sand rocks he claimed to be the boys. "And I will win." He started to slowly crumble the dust of the sand rocks out of his hand. As he did, he said; "And you boys... will be nothing, but dust." "Oh yeah?" George said. He snached the last few remaining sand rocks out of Thanos's hand." This is your gauntlet," George said. He crushed it with his pointer finger and his thumb. "And this is you," he said. He dropped the sand rock on the ground then stepped on it.

Thanos decided to come up with some plans and take a break. Everyone didn't know why he wanted to do that, but he still did. "How can we defeat thanos?" Harold asked. "We're gonna have to do what was once done," said New George.

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