Chapter 3

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So, in our last adventure, we realized that New George and New Harold went back to their dimension. But sooner they came back. Their portal machine malfunctioned. New Harold fixed it though. And that movie versions of George, Harold, and C.U. came. They were totally wimpy cowards. They sent themselves back when they saw Octo. "HA!" said Octo. "What wimpy cowards!" "We're not giving up!" said New George. "Oh yeah?" said Octo. "It may seem like I'm giving up by doing this, but I will never!" Then suddenly, Octo's tentacle holes began to glow. Like flickering flashlights in the night. But multiple of them.

Then, Octo's Octolings saw it from a distance. "The master is calling us!" said one of the Octolings. "Let's go!" said another one of the Octolings. Then, they started running "Squish Squish" Went the Goons. They were there in the snap of your fingers "FIGHT!!!!" Screamed Octo. "Oh no," said Harold. "Oh, yes!" said Octo, devilishly. "Have fun PERISHING!!!!!! HEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA" said Octo. he began to explain why he put a hehehe before his hahaha, like his brother, "WHY!!!!! WHY SQUIIIIIIDDDY!!!!!!" yelled Octo, sadly. "BECAUSE I'M EVIL!!!!!!!! AND LEVEL FOUR IN PSYCHIATRY!!!!!!!" Octo yelled maniacally "NOW PERIIIIIISH!!!"He yelled at the heroes, the octolings pinned them on the floor, so Octo could crush them, then smoosh them on the floor one by one by one by one.

"HEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! YOU WILL NEVER GET AWAY!!!" Octo Screamed as a complete psychopath. "This is so easy!!!!!" He rose up a tentacle, prepared himself by saying-- "I, the great Octo! shall have the great and this amazing opportunity that no other villain, even my very brother, has been able to obtain or accomplish. KILLING THE REST OF THE CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS RESISTANCE!!!!!!" "No...," said New George "You forgot--" he coughed "Captain... Underpants!!" "WHAT!?!?!?!" Octo yelled in anger "OCTOLINGS, FIND HIM NOW!!!!!" The Octolings saluted him and said in unison "Yes Sir!!" and just like that, they were gone "I'll hold you guys here while we wait." After an hour passed they finally spoke: "Any plans this weekend?" Octo asked the three delinquents shook their heads "Too bad. I was gonna kill you anyway." Octo said. "You're an Octopussy!!" said New George.' "Yeah!" Said, New Harold. "SHUDDUP!!!!!" Octo yelled, he whipped a glowing tentacle across both of their faces. They were ok, and then, more war.

"We found him, sir!!" They were all holding the squirmy Captain Underpants sitting in a hospital bed. "Yaaay!!" said Octo. "Just as I left Him..." he struck a very destructive grin. "You can't leave me like this!" Captain Underpants yelled in fear "Yes I can!" said Octo Suspiciously. Carelessly, he got up and released the pin down on the three heroes. the three children snuck away without a trace, not even C.U knew "Why'd you say it suspiciously?" asked C.U. "BECAUSE I CAN!!!!!" yelled Octo. "We gotta go fast!!" said Harold. "We're going back!" said New Harold. "WHY???!!!" whispered Harold. "You'll get killed out there!!" "A true warrior NEVER runs away from a fight!" said New George. "And I can't just run away!" New Harold whispered. "Sometimes I believe I got these powers, for a reason! And I can't pretend I don't have them anymore! You go, and I and New George will fight Octo and his--- Octolings?" "I believe that's what they're called," said New George. "Please be safe!" said Harold. "We'll be just fine, they stand no chance against us!" Whispered New George.

Octo turned around to squish them all, they ran in, ready to fight "OCTOLINGS!!! DESTROY THE PEOPLE WHO THINK THEY'LL BEAT US!!!!!" The four Octolings charged towards the two boys, the Octolings were far more advanced in training than New George and New Harold. Eventually, and 3 hours later... they were defeated "NOO!!!" Yelled New Harold

"THEY TRAINED FOR THIS!?!?!?!?!" yelled New George, "They train for any situation! Including this one!!!"Octo bragged in each of their faces. He tossed them aside like trash, with Captain Underpants, "Now where's you two, from this dimension?..." Octo growled. "No not from this dimension, there are two, this one and the George and Harold dimension, so any last words before we beat you up." Said New Harold "Oh you wanna go!" Said Octo. "Sure," Said New George. Then they fight. everyone gets knocked out New Harold and New George run to the hospital to get George. They run "finally here now let's go find him," said New George. Room 220 he has to be in here" Said New Harold "Hello!" Said New George "Guys!" says George. " George!" Said New George and New Harold and Harold. They get out and go to Captain Underpants. "Captain!" Said, George. "Long time no see bud!" Said Captain Underpants. "Let's go find Octo!" Said, New Harold.

The group set out to find Octo to finally defeat his Octolings and now to Octo "Haha you finally came." Said Octo. "Of course we did." Said, George. "You made me spend uh.... How long in the hospital?" "About 4 hours," whispered New Harold. "It was very dusty I barely could breathe in there!" Said C.U. 'WAIT!!" said New George. "Where are C.B, E.G, and E.H?!" "let's not pay attention to that right now." Said, George. "Well don't go yet, we gotta fight Octo." Said New George. "Oh, so you came here to fight huh?" Said Octo "Yeah." Said New Harold. So they fought--- oops. It's supposed to end here.

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