Chapter 7

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"We must do what was once done," said New George, "We must build our own infinity gauntlet." "But how?" asked New Harold. "We don't even have the stones! How will it work?" "we must take the infinity stones." "How?" George asked. "He's too powerful!" "Let's just get to work to get it over with," said New Harold. It took a while but they succeeded. "Well," said New Harold. "We finally finished!" It took them 6 1⁄2 hours. "All we need are the stones!!" said Harold.

George nodded "But how do we get them?" asked George. "That's a sight we're going to see..." and the boys left for the stones.

Suddenly, a bunch of dust formed some type of squid of some-sort coming out. "OMG!!!" said Harold. "IT'S KILLER SQUID!!!" "RUN!" said George. That's what they did. "Say hi to your oldest foe," said Thanos. He got in the way of our heroes. "I brought him back to life so he'll take care of you. not that we're back in allegiance, just for the plot of the story." "I'll take care of him!" said Captain Underpants. "Tra-la-LAAAAAAA!!!" Then, K.S. got hold of captain underpants. "Oh no!" said C.U. He opened his mouth. New Harold flew off and grabbed C.U. before he could've been dinner. "Oh heck no you won't eat this guy!" said New Harold. "Oh, I WILL!!" said K.S.

Killer Squid quickly grabbed C.U and tossed him all the way to the extremely beautiful planet, Uranus. ''AAAAAAGAH!!!!!" Captain Underpants screamed as he flew towards it. Killer Squid turned towards Thanos. "Now I'm done with you..." He blasted K.S with all the stones, disintegrating him. Thanos turned to the boys and teleported away with the space stone. "We don't have C.U anymore, now what?" Asked Harold "Dunno." said George "Well, we have our own gauntlet now, so let's head out for the stones. Even though we can't use them because our's is made of steel, not uru, but at least we can snap." Said, New Harold. "But the only problem, who's gonna do the honors?" asked New George. "That's a question for later," said New Harold "Let's just get the stones." the heroes went to Thanos. "You're back. Again." He said, "Why do you think you stand a chance in this fight, tell me." New Harold stepped forward "We do. Because OUR people depend on it." he held up two fiery fists "Now, let's fight." he jumped towards Thanos, and Thanos picked up his sword and jumped towards him.

Thanos punched New Harold, and he went straight into the wall. Thanos jumped to punch him again, but New Harold dodged it. Thanos used the space stone to bring him towards himself. "Come here, boy!" Thanos said. He grabbed New Harold by the throat, and he couldn't breathe.

"I... Can't... Breathe!!" New George ran to Thanos and kicked his stomach, barely moving him. Thanos looked at him, as a taunt, and kicked him away. "C' mon, Harold come!" George whispered they were going to sabotage the enemy, with remembering what Melvin told them in his boring speech at the school talent show, they built a scrap launcher and put a bunch of boulders inside. "FIRE!!!!" yelled George, and a bunch of boulders hit Thanos and buried him in rocks, the boys had won the battle. The cracks in the boulders glowed green. Thanos was reversing time. The boulders, and everyone else we're moving back to their previous positions. This time, Thanos dodged the boulders, and they hit New George and New Harold. "AAaaGH!!!" Yelled New George. The two were buried in rubble, and with the space stone, Thanos threw George and Harold on top of the rubble. "Your people must be disappointed, then, if that's the best you've got," Thanos said. The four boys stumbled out of the rubble, shaking, and
were very weak. George felt like he was going to faint again. Harold felt like he was going to die. "You won't give up, just like my dead opponents." "Be careful, Thanos," said New Harold. "Because we're not giving UP!!!!"

New Harold made two fiery fists and two fiery eyes. "So, are we going to fight, or just stand here like a bunch of sissy's," said New George. Thanos held his sword up, and the blue stone lit up, a few of his troops came out, about the size of a battalion. "You struggled with my other troops, these aren't a lot, let's see," Thanos said. "AAAaAAAGGH!!!" yelled New Harold, New George, George, and Harold as they ran towards Thanos. And as usual, Thanos raised his sword, pointing at the enemy as a sign to attack.

Captain Underpants: and the Terrific Octopus AttacksHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin