Chapter 8

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Meet George and Harold two angry kids on the left, with ripped clothes and bad haircuts. Now, meet New George and New Harold, also with ripped clothes, and very bad haircuts. So, last time, our heroes created their Insquidity Gauntlet ™, (As you can see, they trademarked it), New Harold put it on, and it fits perfectly. And that they were marching out of their base in dramatic slo-mo. "Let's go get this son of a language," said Harold, who got it from Captain America in the alternate HISHE ® of Avengers: Endgame. 1 hour later... (it was supposed to be 30, but they were walking in slo-mo). "We... are... here..." George said in slo-mo. "Okay, one of us will definitely die in this story, but I can assure it won't be me because I have powers." New Harold said. What fools they are. Once they arrived, Harold threw a broken pipe at Thanos.

Thanos stood up. "C' mon! You interrupted us. Now you must pay the price..." He threw his sword at New Harold and it stuck his shirt to the wall, which hung him. "I'm counting this fight out! But don't worry! You guys can beat him without me!" New Harold struggled to break free.

    New George ran towards Thanos and put up his original vibranium daggers. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Suddenly, the portal's theme from endgame played. "AAAAAGH!!!" Yelled George and Harold as they ran towards him too. New Harold broke free. "TAKE THIS SPACE TITAAAAAAN!!!!!!" Thanos threw punches and kicks, each with a hint of cliche-ness. He grabbed New Georges leg, upside-down. Thanos then grabbed a very tall skyscraper and crumbled it with the power stone. Then he used the space stone again to throw it at the boys and threw New George into the falling skyscraper. "AAAAGHH!!" he yelled as he flew into the falling debris. New Harold held the rubble back from George and Harold but was heavily struggling. "Guys! Run!!" New Harold said. George and Harold ran. The rubble grew closer to New Harold. Finally, New Harold was crushed, with his arm sticking out from under the rubble. And poor, poor New George, who was fully buried under the rubble. "It's about time you died," Thanos said. Then he threw more rubble on them. But suddenly, (we say 'but suddenly' too much) New Harold's arm twitched. Then he lifted the rubble and then he saw New George's unconscious corpse. "OH MY GOD-A-TOD!!!!" said New Harold. "WE KNEW SOMEONE WOULD DIE IN THIS STORY!!!!" Then he said with teary eyes"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Then, New George opened one eye. "A-am I, d-dead?" New George asked the sky. He sat up and remembered that he was thrown into a falling building by Thanos. "G-George?!" New Harold walked to him because he might've been a zombie. But as one of the directors. He's not. New Harold helped him up. "Thanks, Bud. God, that was horrible," said New George. "Anytime, bud. Anytime," said New Harold.

So our heroes continued finding and fighting Thanos. Again, again and I won't forget to say: again. "Why, why can't it ever be easy!" George moaned. Then, quite a weird image came up of George, Harold, New George, and New Harold, sitting on a $100 bill mountain. Creepy isn't it.

"You keep winning, we keep trying. If anything you're OUR prisoner." New George said. Thanos rolled his eyes and teleported away. Back at their base. "A warrior's creed  is not a deed." New George mumbled as he meditated. "But a promise, yes indeed. all those who oppose me, are the ones who can't beat me." New Harold walked into the room. "And I realize that my father's statement may not be true. But that means nothing, compared to you. You are all powerful, a god. Even he could not withstand your power." New George turned around and looked at New Harold. "What?" New Harold said. " Wasichus. A god of war. Nothing you should know." New George said.

"George, what were you doing--" New Harold was interrupted Meanwhile, now in Hawaii, "Welp," said Captain Underpants. "I got kicked out of the Bahamas for ordering too much juice in a bowl, but at least I got enough money for Hawaii still! That's why you always play Powerball ®! Because I won $100,000,000,000! And the price is only $1! And not only that, but I also get more 100,000,000,000 bills for life!!! Power Ball ® is really nice!!!!! It's amazing!! One more Kool-Aid™ in a plate please!!" The waiter walked away and frowned. Once he was out of sight, he made an angry frown. "Oh jeez, I think that's the guy that ordered juice in a bowl at the Bahamas..." The waiter said as he walked away.. Anyway: "I'm meditating." New George said "the warrior's creed. It is not a deed but a promise, yes indeed." "Wow," said New Harold "cool catchphrase!" "It is no catchphrase, it is a warrior's meditation technique, only I would understand it." New George said "Ok..." said New Harold in an indescribable tone. Suddenly, Thanos and two Chitauri commanders broke into their hideout. "This is a disappointing HeadQuarters," he said. The boys screamed. "Too bad I'm going to destroy it." He closed his fist and the building began to shake and crumble. "Purple explosions?!" Harold said confuzzled. "The power stone has the capabilities of many things. One of which is destruction." then the space stone glowed and teleported him and his commanders away. "What was that?" yelled Harold as the building crumbled "WHO CARES!?! JUST RUN!!!!" George yelled as he ran away. As they ran outside and turned around, they could see the abandoned warehouse crumble like a cookie onto the ground. "Wow, this Kool-Aid ® tastes good! But It's time to leave. Goodbye Mr. Kano!!!" Captain Underpants said as he flew away with his $100,000,000,000 bills. "Let's find the bo--" He turned his head. "Ooh!! A cybernetic store!!" The grumpy manager waved. "What? It cost 500000000000!!!" he whined, "I only have 9.5 billion dollars!!" Now, with a new look, he went to find George and Harold.

    "TRA-LA-LAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!" He triumphantly sang as he flew away. Thor flew down to meet the boys. "Working out pays, in body strength." Thor was skinny and muscular again. "Earthlings, follow me, there is something I must show you." He grabbed George, Harold, and New George. New Harold flew. Once they landed, they saw Spiderman in his new suit.

    "Hey, what's up guys?" Spider-Man said. Harold was in awe. "Thank God you're here," New George said. "We've encountered some other threats, beside Thanos." a digital map appeared. "A few wild Hydra troops attempting to bring Hydra back. And two rouge Ultron drones terrorizing a neighborhood." Thor pointed to the locations. "We'll reward you once the mission is complete," Spiderman said. "Ok, then. Let's go!" The boys ran off to fight the Hydra troops.

    "State your business, civilian!" The Hydra commander demanded "Uhh... Beating you up." Harold said. The boys ran to them and started to fight. Pew pew, POOOOOWW!!!!!! ZZEEoom ZZEEOooooom. Those are the sound effects you can use. "Fire in the hole!!!" A Hydra troop yelled as he threw a snare grenade. "I can't move!!" George yelled, "Me neither!!" Harold said. "New Harold, You take care of them," said New George. "I'll rescue the others!!!" New George. After that whole fight that would take up the whole story... "Cheez itz that took forever!" Harold said. The only reason he said 'Cheez Itz' is because he said the closest thing he can say to 'Jesus'. Its considered a cuss and this is a kids book. So, lets continue. "Well well well" said Thanos. "You guys again." "we're ready to battle." said New Harold. And it was on. The battle was a little too violent to put in this story. So let's skip to the end. "I am-" Thanos paused. "Inevitable." He snapped. Nothing happened. He snapped again. Nothing happened. He looked at the gauntlet. The stones were missing. He looked at New Harold. And there he was. With the stones on the Insquidity Gauntlet. "And I..." said New Harold. "Am..." "a hero."

He snapped.

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