chpt 8: a bloody wedding

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Encre stirred in sleep, feeling stiff and sore, her neck gave a throbbing pain, and she had a massive headache or was it a migraine? She opened her eyes to see the now smouldering ashes in the fireplace, her eyes felt...strange.

Encres P.O.V

Looking at the fireplace, I noticed smaller details I hadn't noticed before. I could see the tiniest of ash particles, settling down, I could see small glints of orange and gold as bits of unburnt wood smoldered in an attempt to reignite itself once more, occasional sparks lighting back to life in a small, yet deafening pop sound, before dying down again, never to reignite again.

I then noticed the sweet, subtle smell of lavender as it drifted through the air like a hovering mist that refused to dissipate, no matter how strong the wind blew. Feeling my bones ache and cramp, I felt the need to stretch, but upon attempting, something stopped me.
Fallacy had his head rested on my chest, snoring quietly as he slept peacefully like a sloth among a pile of soft leaves, his rather intimidating figure blanketed my own small petit figure, his weight pinning my own to the floor.
Yet that was not what kept me down.

The feeling of an electric wave shooting throughout my body hitting my nerves like a storm striking down the tallest of tree's, and the once stiff, heavy feeling changed as my brain took a moment to analyse the signals my body sent, before recognising the burning feeling of pain, silence shattered as a glass shattering screech erupted from my throat.
My legs, my hips, my neck, it all hurt!

I lost focus on my surroundings for that moment as I concentrated on the pain that filled my nervous system, my brain screaming at me that something was wrong, and clearly causing this problem, and for that time I'd lost focus on all else, I hadn't realised Fallacies once sleeping figure wide awake and in panic.
He had his arms around me, was saying something. Or was he asking me something? Was he talking to me? I wasn't sure. I was so distressed, the burning, stinging feeling that ensued deep within my interior, yet also along my exterior curves, the fiery feeling only worsened as I moved and tears stung at my eyes, my cheeks damp, soaked from pain struck tears.

Finally my senses began clearing and coming back to me, the once inaudible sound of Fallacies voice now becoming more clear as he spoke to me. "Encre....Encre? Whats wrong? Why did you scream? Are you hurt?" So many questions, but where was my voice? Why hadn't I answered him? I tried to but still choked up by my own tears.

Even with my voice failing me like this, I still had control over other things. To answer his questions while I regained my voice, I had my hand on my legs, motioning as to where the pain was coming from, and he seemed to understand, even if just a little bit, but that worry filled look became a mere smirk of mild amusement, as if amused by all that happened, by my own pain.
I quickly realised why he was smirking, to the fact that he were to have claimed me the night before like lady macbeth were claimed by the devils grasp as she became the embodiment of ambition. He knew he was the one to cause me this pain, and because of it he knew he had done his best on mine own body. Yet I couldn't help but hate that smug grin, the fact that he took amusement to his work annoyed me to my core, and that pain quickly turned to anger as I reached up to slap him across the face, this to the result of having me greatly distastefully blocked, he held my wrist tight, still wearing that smug grin.

"va te faire foutre, tu m'as fait ça ...", finally, my voice graced my tongue, and sounded in a squeak, to which I mentally slapped myself, it was meant to sound angry, yet I sounded like a kitten scared for its' life. And he continued his complacent grin, before he spoke, "I didn't understand that, but I have a feeling it wasn't very nice and it be best I not understand", "ya think?" I, in return, growled to his self-congratulatory tone tone. He took so much pride in this and I hated him for it.

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