chptr 33: reunited

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Encre growls at the stranger, the one she clearly knew to be no stranger. "Back off Chasser" she warned, fangs bared and hissing. This Chasser character shook his head and smirks, his eyes forever crying black tears, his soul red as blood, shining beautifully on the top of his chest and his eyes black voids. "Oh mon cousin ... qu'est-ce que les monstres t'ont fait?" He asked in a mocking tone, earning another angry hiss "ils n'ont rien fait. Je les ai rejoints volontiers après avoir épousé le roi" Encre retorted rather rudely.

Jinx could understand every word they uttered clearly, and was in disbelief of what she was hearing. "What're they saying Jinx?" Marvul whimpered, needing to know what was said, before the clash of swords sounded throughout the hallway. Blades of steel colliding, sending sparks flying as they clashed. Encre was protecting the trio, or trying to at least while Jinx helped Marvul up off the ground, and attempts to get him to safety.

Umbra groans, rubbing his head as he sat up, before swiftly dodging a blade, the steel missing his head by a mere inch as he stepped back and growls. He was ready to throw hands and whistles, getting Encre's attention and making gestures at her, to which she grins and nods.

Temporarily retreating, Umbra taps in and as Chasser chases Encre, he is met with a well placed punch to the face, Umbra's fist connecting with the right of his face, before sweep kicking his legs from under him. Chasser took a moment to identify his new opponent, growling in discontent as he realised the two would be tag teaming him now. Encre and Umbra worked together as one, taking slashes and hits at Chasser at different times, and sometimes in unison to disorientate and confuse him, which worked quite well.

At one point, he had enough, and had an outburst. Knives raised from the ground, headed straight for the two. Jinx stood up, and time slowed down around them. Stomping her right foot down in front of her, she took in a deep breath, and as the knives came just inches from hitting her mother and admirer, she opened her mouth.

Encre and Umbra covered their 'ears', as Jinx let out this ear piercing scream, shattering all reflective surfaces nearby, such as windows, mirrors, and including the knives. Using her magic, she began to perform a dance of elemental bending. No not elemental as in fire or water, but elemental as in using the environment around her as her weapon. Twisting her body and swinging her arms in a wave motion, the shards of metal and glass swiftly changed direction, gleaming under the moonlight. She took a step back, now balancing on one foot, clasping her hands together and raising her pointer fingers up, slowly raising both hands before separating them and twirling her leg counter clockwise and bringing it back down gently next to her left leg, twirling.

The shards followed her every movement, swirling her in a storm of gleams and glitters, the moonlight reflecting off the shiny surfaces and bouncing on her face as though she were surrounded by a disco ball. She glared daggers at Chasser, who was baffled by the power she had. Never before had he seen such magic. With one final leap forward, Jinx brought both hands forward in a pushing motion, moving hard and fast, and directs the shards at the attacker. In that one quick flick of a moment, the shards changed direction and went flying towards Chasser, who quickly raised a wall of bones.

Due to the speed and force the shards moved, some got through the barrier, and stabbed and cut at Chasser, before a few larger shards pinned him to the wall by his shoulders and clothes. Blood leaked down the walls, and the sweet scent filled the vampires noses as they all took a breath in. They wanted a taste.

Encre quickly composed herself. Even if this man did attack them, he was still family, and so she took out a small pink vial from her sleeve, smashing it against the floor. The pink liquid began to bubble and fizz as chains shot out of the puddle and wrapped around Chasser, holding him, bringing him down to the floor. He screamed in pain, as he was still held by the shards in his shoulders, which Encre ripped from his body and drops the shards.

"Is everyone alright?" Encre asked, looking back at her daughter, Marvul and Umbra. Jinx turned back to Marvul, tending to his wounds once more, and kissing him on the head. Umbra nods, giving Encre the thumbs up, before approaching the attacker and glaring down at him "I'll take this one back to my castle and deal with him...but first we better alert the others in case he has friends nearby" Umbra said, Encre nodding in agreement and grabbing a chain, pulling her cousin along behind her back to the throne room, while Umbra helped Jinx to carry Marvul.

Fallacy was confused, he had heard the commotion going on, but Encre told him to stay put, and so he had. Imagine his surprise when he sees Chasser, a hunter who had tried in the past, and failed, to actually assassinate Fallacy several times. Chasser spat at his feet, hissing before being shoved to his knees by Encre, who hissed and threatened to break his neck.

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