chptr 16: stages to pregnancy

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Fallacy was in his office, reading quietly even though he was supposed to be approving and declining requests made by subjects and other neighbouring vampire kingdoms, when suddenly, Jasper barged into the room. "Hey dad!" He exclaimed loudly, sitting on the edge of his fathers desk, to which Fallacy gave an annoyed growl as he looked at his son "you are on my desk.." he growled.

"Yes, I know, I wanted to ask ya somethin!" Jasper chirped, curiosity lit his eyes up. Fallacy sighed as he knew he wouldn't get any privacy unless he answered Jasper's questions. "Yes?" He asked and Jasper sighs thinking of how to ask this, "ok, so how does pregnancy work?" Fallacy was in the middle of sipping his tea, and hearing what Jasper had to ask, he choked on the tea and immediately spat it out again as he stared at Jasper. "W-what?! Why do you ask?!" Fallacy asked in a panic "are you...pregnant?", he asked as he looked Jasper up and down head to toe.

Jasper panicked as he avoided the hot tea being spat, standing up "I just wanna know...thats all" he said, avoiding the question. Fallacy sighed and shook his head as he straightened up again, and wiping the tea from his clothes. "Alright...I'll tell ya, but you best listen close! Understood?" "Yes, I understand!" Jasper exclaimed excitedly as he got comfortable on another chair that was tucked away somewhere in the dark.

"First things one. You'll wake up feeling sick, and likely will end up vomitting anything you've ingested...." Fallacy said as he thought back to his and Encre's honeymoon, when she woke up and vomitted the night after their 'fun'. "Why is that?" Jasper asked and Fallacy shrugged "I honestly don't know...I guess its just the babys way of making itself known" he said, before thinking back to when Cali was pregnant with Jasper.

"It gets harder as time progresses on...after morning sickness, theres mood swings".

In the second month of Encre's pregnancy, she would constantly change moods. One day, while sitting with Fallacy, who was reading quietly, she just suddenly exploded in a fit of rage as she got annoyed by the sounds of the pages turning. "Can you read any louder!?" Encre shouted in a growl, scaring Fallacy, causing him to drop his book as he fell off the couch. He groaned softly, and Encre got up, rushing to help him up, "o-oh god! Are you ok?! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to shout at you like that!" She exclaimed worriedly. It was then that Fallacy understood what was wrong and he began laughing which set her off again "oh?! So now you're laughing?! Whats so funny huh?!?!?" She dropped him and glared down at him and started crying "I'm worried about you and you're laughing at me?!?!?" Fallacy couldn't help but laugh, as he realised she was on her mood swings.

"On the third month, the baby will start kicking"

Fallacy was awakened once again, as he felt the babies kicks against his back.....again....

Groaning, he got up and grabbed a pillow, and stumbled out of the room, and into the loungeroom where he could sleep. The next morning, Encre was at the table, drinking tea, and looking tired as all hell, a look that said 'talk to me and I'll fuck you up'. Fallacy yawned and stretched, before wandering into the kitchen, from where he slept, where he had gotten a good nights sleep. "Mornin Encre...sorry to disappear on ya in the middle of the night but, I couldn't sleep with the baby kicking" "ya don't say..." Encre growled, glaring at Fallacy, envious of his success to sleep, meanwhile she endured the pain of sleepless nights. Fallacy wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the cheek sweetly, hoping to cheer her up, and it worked at first, as a warm smile spread across her face...then she realised he was touching her and had an outburst "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!!!" She screamed, scaring the living hell out of Fallacy as he fell back and tripped on the mop bucket, resulting in Encre laughing hysterically to the point that she was actually snorting!

"Then theres the 4th month....cravings..." Fallacy shuddered.

Suave was preparing something for Encre, who sat idly at the table, drawing as she rubbed her swollen belly. She had requested ice cream with chives and dried seaweed, with a side of lemon and orange slices. Ew. Fallacy came up behind her, careful of how he handled her, not wanting to get screamed at again, and gently kissed her on the top of her head, making her giggle softly. Then Suave brought the food out...and Fallacy was disgusted.....he couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Umm..Encre?" He said, but Encre wasn't paying attention as she took a spoonful of the icecream and chives, and ate it. Fallacy shuddered as the very thought of the taste left a sour taste in his mouth.

"Then theres the 5th month....the worst of all...."

Encre had no sleep, no energy, and was constantly couped up in hers and Fallacies bedroom, which annoyed her beyond belief. She was having mood swings, cravings, all of it....but was time for.....

The cramps....

The worst part to it all. She was constantly in pain and looking for relief, which resulted in Fallacy giving her a massage, and he didn't mind...until he touched the wrong spot and got an angry, pregnant wife again.

Fallacy sighed as he reached the end of his story, looking at Jasper to ensure he was listening, and was met with a disturbed look. "You alright Jas?" He asked softly, placing a hand on the teens shoulder, who then nodded as he looked down.

"Dad...I have a confession to make..." Jasper sighed as he hid his face in his hands....

"And what would that be son?" Fallacy asked, taking another sip of his tea.

Jasper took a deep breath...then said.... "I'm pregnant". Fallacy spat his tea right back out and onto Jasper, once again, as he began coughing and choking "W-WHA-*COUGH COUGH COUGH!!!* WHAT?!?!?".

Jasper, knowing he was screwed, ran to warn Suave to go and hide, Fallacy in hot persuit "SUUUUUUUAAAAVVVVVVE!?!?!?!?!?".

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