chpt 10: the honeymoon prt 2

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Encre walked the forest grounds with Fallacy. It was a beautiful night for a stroll, as small ashes of what was left from Underville fell to the ground slowly.

She watched as the flakes fell, and she held out her hand, letting one fall onto her palm, before she crushed it, closing her hand into a fist, crushing the piece of ash.

"Love?", Fallacy suddenly spoke, and she turned her head to him, her imperfectly perfect mismatched eyes met with his. Looking at him, it reminded her of how he gave her her freedom that she had today. While she was free before, she still felt so trapped beneath the surface, as obstacles constantly blocked her path preventing her from escaping and living a truly free life. Meanwhile, Fallacy was trapped in his own world. Trapped by the memory of his dying wife and her words for him to move on and look after Jasper. Both had had a hard past, but now were free to one another, to love, to cherish, to make these memories to live with forever as they were to become a family.

Encre grabbed his hand gently, her beautiful blue eyes gave him shivers, making him feel cold, but on the inside, he felt warm. "Baby....I want to talk with you about something...but for now, I will save it until we get to our destination" "why not speak of it now?" He asked in a soft voice as he wrapped an arm around her waist, but she shook her head. At first she wanted to talk to him then and there, but fear swallowed her better conscious as she feared the thought of rejection. She did not want to be laughed at, or to be seen in a bad way, not when this was their honeymoon, and the night of their wedding.
She was proposed to and married on the same night, all in one big gruesome, unholy matrimony that spilled the blood of innocents, and not so innocents. She had just ripped the jaw of her rapist off from his head, and ripped his heart out before eating and crushing it, that was enough excitement for that night. At least...for now.

An hour before the sun rose, they had made it to this waterfall that had a pool at the base of crystal clear, blue tinted water, stepping stones that were cracked with moonstones, which shone under their larger relative in the sky. Encre stared on in surprise and awe as she watched the water fall in a rush to the base to join the almost still pond. Fallacy took a step onto one of the stones, picking her up in a sweet bridal style, and walking across the stepping stones to the sheet of the waterfall that separated them from the surprise. He knocked on a stone, and the water parted just enough for the two to go through, and he walked in, without getting wet. Inside, was a lovely little cottage for them, which reminded Encre of her home in Underville.

The stone walls of the cottage were dark against the shadows, and the inside was lit by a warm light of flickering candles. Fallacy opened the door, and they were welcomed by a warm breeze as the fireplace roared to life, and everything set up just for them. But Fallacy did not stop at the lovely little table, no not for dinner, they had already eaten. No he did not stop at the living room for a rest and to settle down, and no they would not go to the garden hidden out the back of the cottage that consisted of crystal roses which contained a magic sap which could heal any injury no matter how bad it was, and was considered a godly flower. "Fallacy?" Encre asked in a soft voice as she looked to Fallacy curiously.

He only grinned that same evil, yet cheeky grin he always wore when he had an idea. Encre saw it got bigger and she realised....she would not go back without a few new scars. "Baby....whatever you are thinking, I am not liking it, I know that look" she whimpered and Fallacy chuckles "oh you'll like it~" he purred and shot her 'that' look, ya know....the look a man shoots his wife for some sexy time~~~. Her face blew up as she knew that face even more, and honestly disliked it when he looked at her like that.

They get to the bedroom and it looks lovely. The walls are a lovely shade of pastel purple, and a black queen sized bed with a bright purple quilt lined by black lace, the pillows striped purple and grey, some pure black, grey or purple, and others stitched with lace, it just looked so soft.

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