chpt 24:in the moonlight

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Umbra was on his way to Fallacies castle to acquire a spell which would help keep Macabre in control a little better. Above in the black sky diamonds shimmered as they taunted the sun, for it was unable to keep them hidden forever, and the moon hung full.

Suddenly, Umbra heard approaching footsteps, someone wss running towards him. Right as he turned towards the sound, he felt the contact of another as they clashed heads with a loud 'CRACK!'. He fell back to the ground, head in hands groaning in pain. "Hey! Watch where you're goi-...." when he looked to see who had run into him, he saw the princess on the ground, rubbing her head to try and ease the pain "oh my goodness! Princess Jinx, I am so sorry! Are you ok?" He asked softly as he helped her up quickly.

Jinx looked disorientated for a moment, then remembered she was being chased, grabbing Umbra by the wrist and running. "Wh-whoa! Princess?! Whats going on, what're you running from?!" He asked, panicked, unsure of what was running after them, until an arrow merely misses their heads by an inch, hitting a tree instead as Jinx came to a hault before it hit them, only for her to begin running again. Her parents soon appeared right next to them, both also running "SOMETHINGS WRONG!" Encre shouted, "THEY SHOULDN'T BE THIS FAR NORTH!" "YA THINK?! THEY CLEARLY HAVE SOMETHING ON THEIR MINDS!" Fallacy shouted back as they scrambled to avoid every arrow that came their way.

Thats when Jinx stopped, pushing Umbra ahead so he kept running "JINX!!! WHAT'RE YOU DOING?! COME ON THEY'LL CATCH YOU!!" Encre stopped as well, Fallacy skidding to a stop just ahead as he looked back, mortified. "Relax, just stay behind me...I got this" she said, her left foot behind her as she got into a fighting stance, hands over her soul. The hunters neared them. "This is suicide!!! PRINCESS COME ON!" Umbra shouted, about to go back and grab her, when a horse came galloping, jumping over a bunch of thorny bushes.

It was Eterna, and she was heading straight for the young princess. Jinx took a breath as time seemed to slow down. She brought her left foot forward and her floaties curled as they changed direction, going up and around in a wave motion, her soul glew brightly, summoning her true power from within. As the gallops came closer, she took another step closer, this time stomping her foot down causing a crack to open in the ground, scaring the horse as it raised on its hind legs.

Her eyes glew bright red, and her soul appeared in her hands as cracks appeared on the exterior like magma beneath cracked rock, light erupting from the cracks. "This is my kingdom" she said, her voice sounding in multiples, as if a choir spoke together. "You are not welcome in my kingdom...leave before I do something we both will regret" she warned, but Eterna was not deterred, as she had the horse circle around and she drew her sword, going for Jinx again. She sighed softly and shook her head, her bones slowly changing colour from that pure white to a pitch black, indicating her power and anger.

She stepped back, before slamming her hands to the ground, and releases an ear bleeding screech, the horse rearing up again as other hunters covered their ears, their heads exploding and being ripped open one by one, the sound was like shards of glass, tearing open the flesh, the force of which it all came taking heads clean off their shoulders, blood spitting all over the place, all hitting and cutting at their flesh, all but Eterna as Jinx did not direct the attack to her, only doing this as a warning. The horse stepped on a crack, its foot slipping right through as it broke its ankle, Eterna falling off as the horse writhed in agony at this sudden pain in its leg.

Eterna stood, taking steps away from Jinx as she haulted on her attack. All hunters that were not killed by the screech, retreated, Eterna growling as she also retreated with the rest. Jinx looked on, proud of herself. The irony of her glass shattering voice produced its own shards was uncanny. Encre and Fallacy stared on, amazed, proud as they ran to their child and hugged her, laughing and cheering. "Oh my goodness Jinx! You absolute little genius you! Using your power in such a way! That was incredible!" "Someone has been practicing their magic!".

Jinx was given all the attention and admiration, her parents proud of what she had done. Umbra stood there, shocked, his mouth agape as he stared at the remains of the bodies scattered all over, before going to the horse. It was in pain, unable to get up. He grabbed out his knife, ready to put it out of its misery, only to have his wrist grabbed by Jinx as she knelt down and helped the poor thing, grabbing its injured ankle. The horse neighed loudly, attempting to kick her before she looked in in the eye, stopping its tantrum as it looked back at her.

Maintaining eye contact, she began to heal the horses foot, green magic swelled in her palm and around the horses ankle, before it got up, as though it were never injured. She climbed onto its back, petting it softly "come on, lets head home....but first...Umbra, what're you doing out here? It is dangerous to wander about like this" she said, staring at Umbra now with concern. Umbra then remembers the purpose of his journey to see them, and facepalms, his hand making an audible 'slap' as it made contact with his head, "of need a spell. The spell." He said and Fallacy almost immediately understood as he nodded "alright then, lets head back to the castle and I will retrieve it for you from the library...will you need my assistance casting it?" "No, no no I have it well in hand...I just need you to hand it over to me, then once I cast it, I will leave again" Umbra reassured, smiling slightly as they began to walk back to the castle.

Once they returned home, Fallacy went to find the spell with Encre, meanwhile Jinx took the horse to the stables. Umbra followed after her, curious as to what she was up to. The young princess undid the horses saddle and removed its reigns, before grabbing a bag of feed, and pouring it into the troph, then grabs a brush, and begins to groom it, the soft scrape sounds of the bristles against its fur was comforting to her. Umbra stared on she took care of this creature, showing it love even after it carried their enemy.

"You sure are good with animals" he spoke, scaring Jinx as she turns to him "oh..its just you...thank you, I love animals with all my heart, they're beautiful" she sighed, smiling softly. "So I've noticed....why not let it die though? After it carried the enemy.." "just because it carried the enemy does not mean it is the enemy, it was just following order for its survival..." she explained, grabbing a blanket and draping it over the horses back. "Everyone and everything deserves a chance....don't you think?" She asked as she turned Umbra, smiling softly.

He thought on how to answer this...when...he smiled. "I...guess so" he sighs, Jinx climbing over the gate and leaving the stables with Umbra. "Thank you for saving me....I must say, you have an extraordinary gift.....I notice how you projected your voice, making it into glass shards...very interesting". "Thank you...but my voice is merely a shell for this power, as is my body. A way for me to project it and do damage..." Jinx explained, opening a whole new light for Umbra as he looked amazed by her knowledge and way of perception about these kinds of things. "Well...thats certainly an interesting way to look at it" he said, rubbing the back of his head. "Well anyway, you best go and find my father...I'm sure he has the spell by now....I must retreat to my room, the daylight approaches..." "of course...will...I see you again?" "Of course lord 18th is a week away, my parents are throwing a party to shall see me then" she smiled, heading inside. "Goodnight Umbra" "goodnight princess" Umbra bowed, smiling to himself as his face exploded with colour, before Encre cleared her thriat behind him, sounding annoyed.

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