chptr 14: oh shit....

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"ENCRE!!!!" Fallacy shouted as he ran out the front of the castle, feeling his heart begin to break as it sank down into rage and betrayal. How could Encre lie to him like this? There had to be a reason.

He ran and ran, his legs growing sore, but his mind would not let him stop, he didn't slow nor faulter in any way. He just ran, and ran and ran, until he saw the silhouette of his wife up ahead....holding...a gun? Fallacy stopped, unsure if his eyes played tricks on him. He stared and could make out the figure of Encre, standing defensively, holding a gun, the nose of the gun pointed at.....Eterna...

The glint of the gun was easily recognised as the blazing fox, a magnum 44 with scatter shot bullets, that caused a spark effect, a fox carved into each bullet, hence the name, blazing fox. He could also make out the faint shape of what appeared to be a foxes head, no...a mask....a mask that looked like a foxes face, this was the symbol of the Helsings. Cunning, sly, sleek, intelligent, unpredictable....these are the qualities of a fox and a Helsing....and Encre was the last heir to the bloodline.

"I'm not going to repeat myself Eterna" Encre's voice rang from the mask, some kind of....device inside changed his lovers voice to sound more menacing....and it kinda worked....on him at least. Eterna however, was not so easily swayed.... "I already told ya Encre, I ain't leavin! You betrayed our kingdom, and have tainted your families name! What would your father think?!" "Do not mention my father!" Encre hissed, hate leaking from her voice.

Fallacy stayed where he was, shocked to see his wife in a stand off against Eterna, both having a finger on their trigger ready to fire. Question is, whose faster?

Encre, out of some half effort to check her surroundings, saw Fallacy out of the corner of her eye and she gasped, lowering the gun as she looked at her husband, only to hear Eterna's crossbow click as she loaded an arrow, causing her to flinch as she turned in a whirlwind fashion to Eterna, raising the gun again and keeping it pointed at her. "Fallacy what're you doing here!? Its not safe!!" Encre shouted, distressed he was here...seeing he wasn't meant to see this....and she felt ashamed.

" I need to know....." Fallacy huffed as he took a step forward "are you....a Helsing?" He asked, the word refused to make itself known, but it did. And hearing that name, it made Encre freeze as it escaped Fallacies lips....and she lowered the gun..and removed the mask.

"How....?" She said softly in a sob as she looked at him "how did you-" she was cut off "I told him...I found your families history book" Umbra's voice called as he stood from the top of a tree. "You are the daughter....of Van Helsing" he growled. "I didn't want to believe it...but I do...I had to be sure....I was beginning to believe you were no brother told me not to worry...and I didn't want to believe myself any longer after I got to see the real you...or what I thought was the real you....and you not even tell your own husband?" Umbra spat.

"I had to protect him! To protect you all! I couldn't let you all know! This is the reaction I knew I would receive if you were all to know!".

"What is going on here?!" Apollo chimed, standing way back behind Fallacy, angry with his brother. "Umbra can you not control yourself to resist the wisdom that would so clearly tear people apart?!" "No! I cannot resist the temptation! The temptation to knowledge of which puts our people at jeopardy only draws me in more! You are a fool to fight me on this brother! She is a Helsing!!" "If she were a problem she would have hurt someone by now!!" Apollo cried and looked at Encre, ready to defend her, only to see Eterna raising her crossbow at Encre once again, grinning like a maniac.

At first, Eterna didn't dare do anything, seeing she was outnumbered, but everyone was turning on Encre, so the repricussion of shooting her became less and less as they bickered and bantered among one another. Apollo gasped and opened his mouth to warn Encre, only for Fallacy to take the spotlight as he lunged at Encre, pushing them both out of the arrows path as it was fired. Eterna gave an annoyed scream as she rushed to grab another, only for her to be met with angry hisses and glares, as bats emerged from the shadows.

It was a warning. Despite there being a Helsing around, these subjects were still dedicated to protecting their king and queen. Red eyes dotted the black, until it was nothing but red, red and more red. Eterna knew she was done for, and dropped the crossbow.


The sun was slowly rising and Fallacy felt the sting of the suns first few kisses as she rose higher into the sky. The bats swarmed and pulled Fallacy and the other lords into the shade, all except.....Encre....

Fallacy was met by the relief of shade, but then the heartbreakimg sound of his wifes screams of pain as she burned under the rays of sunlight. He tried to get to her in a moment of panic, but the bats did not allow him, holding him to the shade. "NO LET ME GO! SHE WILL DIE IF SHE STAYS THERE!!!" He begged, and screamed to be let go of, so he may hold his wife and protect her....

"Face it cannot save her....she is a Helsing...this must be done" Umbra growled as he watched the queen burn, beginning to dust. She screamed in agony, and hid beneath her cloak, but it did not protect her, as the sun rose higher, and higher. She looked at Fallacy, with tears streaming down her face as she felt death approaching....not even Apollo could reach her, as bats held him back from the sun as well.

"F-faLlACy!" Encre cried and reached a burnt hand to him, hoping he would save her...but he couldn't...he tried to reach her, but he remained pinned to the shade....

Just as though all hope was lost, and as Encre was about to dust, the feathers of a crows wings protected her from the sun. T'was Segador, and Hollocaust. The sun bit at Hollo, but he resisted that burning pain, his power that prevented him from dying kept the suns glare at bay. He and Segador protected Encre from the sun, and Hollo picked her up, rushing her into the shade of the trees, where she cried and squirmed, before going still.

Fallacies heart dropped....were they too late? Had she...had she succumbed to the pain of the sun and given up?....Tears welled up as he finally gave out a roar, "RELEASE ME AT ONCE!!!" He screamed, and the bats retreated to the tree tops, roosting in the branches as he ran to his wife and brother.

She was passed out, and Hollo was tending to her wounds. Burns slowly closed up and disappeared as she was healed, the comforting green magic soothing the pain. Fallacy sighed in relief as he grabbed her from his brother, and held her close, crying into her neck. Among the chaos, Eterna had fled.

"Wait! The child!" Fallacy cried and quickly checked, Hollo holding his breath as he prayed for the little soul.

Fallacy, using his claws, cut away at a bit of the fabric of Encre's dress, to look at her stomach. The child was ok, just scared and in pain, but it was ok. Relief filled the air as everyone let out a sigh of relief.

That relief however was quickly burned away as Fallacy became enraged by Umbra. He had almost killed Encre. He was pissed. Holding his wife close, he stood, and raced to Umbra, cutting through daylight to reach him, hissing as he ignored the sting before reaching the shade Umbra stood in, and knocks him one in the nose "YOU!!! YOU NEVER LEARN DO YOU?!" "I DIDN'T KILL HER! WHY FOR YOU BLAME ME?!?" "BECAUSE SHE ALMOST DIED BECAUSE OF YOU!!! TWICE!!! SHE IS ALMOST SHOT! THEN IS ALMOST BURNED AWAY WITH MY CHILD!!! AND YOU ENCOURAGE THAT I LET HER DIE?!?!? THAT I LET THEM DIE?!?!?" Fallacy was pissed, the steam was pouring from him as he spat fire at Umbra in a berage of insults.

"YOU ARE NO LONGER WELCOMED IN MY HOME! I SUGGEST YOU RETURN TO YOUR KINGDOM! AND DO NOT EVEN THINK OF SHOWING UP FOR THE CHILDS BIRTH! YOU ARE BANISHED FROM MY KINGDOM UNTIL I SAY OTHERWISE!!!" He growled, only to feel the cool, soft touch, of his lovers hand against his face. He looked down, tears staining his face as he stared into his lovers now half lidded eyes as she shook her head softly....

"Don't....don't blame him....p-please..." she begged him. "He is....right...t-to be mad....I am...a Helsing....I am mad t-too....with myself..." she spoke, her voice cracking and breaking as her throat was dry. " welcome anytime.....I hold...n-no grudge a...against y-you..for this..." she whimpered, hoping to salvage what little of a relationship was left.

Umbra huffed, and turned away, vanishing into a puff of purple smoke as he vanished.

For now. Encre was safe...and so was the baby....with Segador looming over them, they were lead back to the castle safely, where Encre was laid in hers and Fallacies bedroom to rest and finish healing.

Pleasure Of Kisses, Pain Of The BiteHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin