33 | Under The Sea (T)

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October 18, 2020

wow, this book is not in chronological order

wow, this book is not in chronological order

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taken by AllysaFlannery on 29/04/21

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taken by AllysaFlannery on 29/04/21

taken by AllysaFlannery on 29/04/21

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The cover is based on the Inktober day 12 prompt - slippery

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The cover is based on the Inktober day 12 prompt - slippery. It's a remake of an old premade cover I never shared 'cuz I didn't quite like it (view bloopers). I'm satisfied with the newer version and loving the vibes of the cover. Don't have much to say except I'm now done Inktober! 

Tip: "I strive for two things in design: simplicity and clarity. Great design is born of those two things." -- Lindo Leader

" -- Lindo Leader

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