Chapter 1

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I hope this fic doesn't suck as much as I think it does but I also hope that all time low will marry me and that hasn't happened so I can't promise high expectations for this cx Anywhore! thank you for reading this &&& giving me a chance, I really appreciate it <3
Comment & fave pleasecheese xx <3
Chapter 1-

I sat at my desk, last row, last seat, last resort of any other human being in the classroom. The loudspeaker chirped loudly above my head as the rest of the class zoned off somewhere in neverland, probably thinking about dancing with a life-sized pizza or eating salsa but then later finding out it was made from hair, or- then again, maybe that's just me. My stomach angry growled reminding me that i hadn't eaten breakfast that morning and I was just about to doze off when i heard my principal's voice ask for a drum-roll among-st the classes. I was pretty much the only one even paying attention at this point, and when Mr. Gerner announced that we would be having an assembly next period. my most hated class, I let out a small, okay maybe it wasn't so small, cheer. Everyone seemed to suddenly come alive and turned to stare at me while my teacher frantically flipped through her notepad for the memo explaining what to do when we didn't have scheduled classes, like that's never happened before. She quietly stammered, " Okay, well, this is an surprise for all of us now isn't it?" I could tell she had no idea what was going on but them i remembered. Today was March 27th, meaning it was our class president's birthday. Are we seriously going to miss class over that asshat? i mean, i wouldn't be surprised because last month we missed 3 periods when the principal's dog died... I mean, come-on. but hey no math? I'm cool with that. But I started second guessing myself when i saw the secretary darting from room to room, giving further explanations. I seemed to be the only one waiting in eager silence as she too what felt like years to finally get her butt to my class and open the door. "Sawsea Public High has been nominated for a free viewing today, and im here to congratulate you all because, we have won!" she said excitedly. " There will be a special guest performance after lunch and then you all will be dismissed early. Thank you."

Everyone kind of sat in silence and stared at each other because this had never happened before. We're Sawsea, nobody has ever even heard of us, forget us being winners in a contest. Everyone was looking around for answers when i suddenly had a idea. I jumped in my seat as I remembered the tweet i had seen this morning from my favorite band, All Time Low. It was a long shot but i quickly searched through my phone under my desk until i found what i was looking for, Alex Gaskarth had wrote:

'Sawsea? How about Sea-saw? Prepare your body xx'

hey hey hey hey im sorry its really short but i promise (or at least i hope) its going to get better cx i dunno, should i even continue? im not really sure where imma go with this either so bear with me pls. maybe comment or something and tell me yay or nay? pleasecheese?

also im not really sure what im doing because technically this is my first ever story so be nice to me or ill cry cx (but i want critism help me make this better)

okay, ill shut up now & you can go back to reading the better fics and yeee.

If for some reason you wanna be friends and or stalk me on instagram or twitter, my ig is jackbaratit and my twitter is bowlfullofemu c: ily if youre reading this. all -6 of you ;p

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